
Family/Friend Friday --- The Man in the Gorilla Suit

I don't remember many Halloweens growing up...it was never one of my favorite holidays. My friends and I would do the usual "door-to-door" thing and get plenty of candy. One of the neighbors that lived a few blocks away always handed out 50-cent pieces, so we would always be sure to visit that house more than once!

Every year for Halloween, my church had a big party for the kids. We would all come in our costumes...speaking of costumes, remember how the used to be? You basically went to K-mart and pick out a plastic mask with an elastic string and a decorated Velcro cape. What happened to those? Probably made in China and we took in plenty of lead from those things. But any way, at this party we would wear our costumes until someone guessed who we were.

There was a big "gorilla" in a suit covered head to toe that was too big to be a kid, so we figured it was one of the teachers for our Monday-night Catechism. All the kids guessed all the teachers to no success. As the night went on, the adults at the party started to join in and guess. The church only had about 50 people, and we were assured it was someone from the church, but nobody had a clue! By the end of the night, the gorilla was still prancing around, with an unknown identity. We all gathered around to find out who fooled us for Halloween. I couldn't believe who it was...


Theological Thursday --- Ghosts (Part 2)

Last week we looked at what the Bible says about ghosts. We saw that the disciples believed in ghosts, that Jesus affirms the existence of the spirit/ghost world, that ghosts cannot be dead people (as they immediately go to heaven or hell), and that they cannot be angels (in the "haunting" sense). If you didn't read last week's post, click HERE to get caught up.

So if ghosts are not dead people and they are not angels, what are they? Well, there is good news and bad news. The bad news first --- they are most likely demons! The good news --- they are most likely demons! How can it be both good news and bad news? Well, the only bad news is the fear and uncertainty that comes to many people's minds when they hear the word demon but the good news is (for those who have accepted Christ as their Savior) we really have nothing to fear!

Before going into why we shouldn't be afraid, what exactly are demons? Demons are angels that fell with Satan. How many? Well, we see in Revelation (5:11) that God created billions of angels. One of them (Satan) rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven. Along with Satan, 1/3 of all angels rebelled with him (Revelation 12:4). So the Spirit world is teaming with life!

Throughout Scripture, Satan and his team have had 2 main functions --- to deceive (through temptation, etc) and to cause fear and doubt. But should believers be afraid? Absolutely not! Scripture teaches us that Christ has already triumphed over them (Colossians 2:15) and that He is now seated at the right hand of the Father ruling all (Ephesians 1:19-20).

What does that mean for us? Well, we can have confidence that God rules over the Spirit world and is seated high above it. Paul takes it one step further and tells us in Ephesians 2:4-6:

But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--it is by grace you have been saved And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.

So for those of us who have accepted Christ as our personal Savior, we are seated with Him and have power over the demonic world. There is nothing to fear. So if you ever see a ghost, do not let it deceive you nor cause you fear...you have power over it as a believer in Christ! So what about Tommy (the little imaginary friend from last week's story)...was he really a demon? Well, it would line up perfectly with what Satan loves to do...make something look good before he attacks (isn't that the way sin works too?). He would love to make friends with a little boy and then start feeding him lies. My friend (the boy's father) took the power he had as a believer in Jesus Christ and demanded that the spirit stay away from his son --- no mention of Tommy since.



What's Up Wednesday --- October 29th

1) Jen and I will be traveling back to Pennsylvania this weekend for her brother Jason's wedding reception. He is the one that got married on the beach in Florida a few weeks ago (see last Friday's blog for a video of our trip)
2) Ashland has their "Trick-or-Treat" Thursday night this week for Halloween. Jen and I (along with some neighbors) are setting up on a plot of land along the street and having free hot dogs, children's games, puppet shows, balloon animals, etc. Last night we stuffed candy bags to hand out as well with a Comic Strip inside that presents the Gospel message.
3) Last week I won a "Bag of Crap" from a popular electronics website (www.woot.com). It should be shipped sometime this week, and can be anything from complete junk to a Big Screen TV. I'm already making space in the living room for the Big Screen TV (after all the Bible says we need to prepare our fields hahaha). I'll let you know next week what I received.
4) Jen is very busy over the next few weeks with her flu clinics. They will be giving flu shots to several thousand people. This is her month to shine!
5) I won my third game in a row this week in Fantasy Football to move into a tie for first place (out of 14 teams made up of family and friends). I only mention it this week because the team I beat was Jen's dad who sometimes reads this Blog, and I figured I would rub it in a little!
Hope you are all having a good week!


Time Warp Tuesday --- S-P-E-L-L-I-N-G

The number one thing facing the middle class today happens to be a 3-letter word... J-O-B-S.
--- Vice Presidential Candidate Joe Biden

Spelling (or even counting in the example above) can make a world of difference! Especially when words are closely related. Jen was laughing at me the other day when I told her in elementary school I meant to sign up for our class party to bring "doughnuts", but instead wrote "dog nuts".

Back when I taught Health and PE if a student was going to miss Phys Ed because of an injury, illness, etc --- they couldn't say, "My head hurts", or "I pulled a muscle"...they would have to announce to the class in more proper terms, "I have a pain in my front cerebellum" or "I have a strain in my hamstring" or other parts of the anatomy they had learned in health class. This led to a young lady announcing to the class that she couldn't participate that day because she had a pain in a very embarrassing part of the anatomy that girls don't have (though it sounds very similar to what she meant to say).

Saying what you mean and meaning what you say is critical. If you are writing, be very careful with each letter as the slightest slip can mean a totally different thing (just ask my former student who meant to start off his lifestyle project with "I am a guy" but accidentally wrote "I am a gay"). But nothing made me laugh more that something that was written on our honeymoon. As part of our package deal, we received a picnic on the beach. They handed us a basket, blanket, etc and away we went. When we opened up our basket we found a little note that meant (at least I hope!) to say "Happy Trails to You!". But a little letter mishap had us greeted with the phrase, "Happy Trials to You!"



Magical Monday --- Among the Stars (Part 2)

Last week I discussed a quote from a fellow magician (Andre Kole: Take your dreams and shoot for the moon...for even if you miss, you'll still be among the stars. As promised, I said I would include several entertainers I have worked with at different events over the years. Here are a few of the ones that stick out the most for me:

Dustin Diamond - Most well-known for being Screech on Saved by the Bell. If you are under the age of 40, I am sure you know exactly what I am talking about. We got to perform together in Indianapolis, Indiana. Beware however as he is far from "Screech" these days with very profane language and jokes in his acts and a recent addition of a pornographic film to his credits.

Dave Coulier - Most well-known for being Joey on the show Full House. We got to perform together at a National Association of Campus Activities event in Grand Rapid, Michigan. All he had to do was walk out, do his signature "Cut...It...Out" phrase (while making scissors with his fingers) and the crowd went nuts. Must be nice to be able to entertain a crowd so easily!

Mike Super - Most well-known as the winner of the NBC show Phenomenon. He is a great guy (also from the Pittsburgh area) and we were able to perform together during "Mike Week" at Marshall University in West Virginia. The only show I ever got simply because my name was Mike!

Jerry Valley - Most well-known as a cruise ship entertainer and a guest on shows such as 20/20. We got to perform together on the Las Vegas Strip back in 2001. We used to e-mail each other frequently, but he is currently winding down his career and holding many training seminars to pass on to the next generation.

Mr. McFeely - Most well-known as the "Speedy Delivery Guy" on Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood. We had the same agent in Pittsburgh, so we worked together many times over the years in the Pittsburgh area.

Thanks Andre for your words of wisdom!


Family/Friend Friday --- Florida Vacation

Here is a video from last week's Florida Vacation and Wedding (Jen's brother Jason to Kerby). The train started in Altoona PA and finished in Jacksonville FL and we stayed on Santa Rosa Beach (for the wedding) and Destin Beach (for our mini-vacation). Hope you enjoy the video (Jen wasn't very impressed so she is going to make her own)...just don't blink!


Theological Thursday --- Ghosts

A friend of mine moved to Ashland with his wife and 4-year-old boy. The new house they moved into had the back yard opening up into Ashland Cemetery. It wasn't long before their son made an imaginary friend named "Tommy". One day when the son came in for dinner they jokingly asked if he had invited Tommy for dinner as well to which he responded, "Tommy went home". They asked where Tommy lived and he pointed out into the cemetery and said, "In the ground". They followed him to where Tommy "lived" and he took them directly to a plot where the tombstone read, "Thomas --- 1973-1978".

So who was Tommy? Was it the "Spirit of Thomas"? Was it a ghost? Was it an angel? Do these things even exist? Well, as with everything to get an answer for these questions, we need to dig into Scripture. Here are a few things we can gather about ghosts from God's Word:

1) The Disciples believed in ghosts --- In Matthew 14 (the story of Jesus walking on water), the disciples took one look at Jesus and they cried out in fear, "It is a ghost" (vs. 26). In Jesus' response, He did not rebuke them for believing He was a ghost, but rather simply said, "Do not be afraid, for it is I" (vs. 27).

2) Jesus appears to affirm that their are ghosts --- In Luke 24 (after the resurrection) Jesus appears to His disciples and again, they think it is a ghost (vs. 37). This time, Jesus' response is, "Touch me, and see. For a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have." (vs. 39).

So if ghosts exist, what are they? Let's first look at what they aren't:

1) Ghosts are not dead people --- Most people who believe in ghosts think that they are people who have died coming back from the dead. But Scripture is clear that the moment we pass from this life, we go directly to heaven or hell (remember the old Monopoly card "Go to Jail, Go Directly to Jail, Do not pass Go, Do not Collect $200). We see this in Hebrews 9:27 where the Greek word "meta" is an immediate action in which we go directly before his throne. Paul uses an aorist verb (indicating immediate action) in 2 Corinthians 5:8 when he says, "T0 be absent from the body is to be at home with the Lord". And in the story of Lazarus and the rich ruler (Luke 23), the rich ruler (who is in hell) begs God to send one of them back to earth to warn his family...a request that is denied.

2) Ghosts are not angels --- In Hebrews 13:2, we read, "Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels". So angels can absolutely appear to us today, but one form they may be in is human form. The "bum" sitting on the street could really be an angel. The verse isn't clear how many angels are walking the Earth in human form, but we do know that with some angels we won't be able to tell a difference. Also, when we see angels in Scripture coming in a more of what we would call "angelic form" (with wings, soothing voice, etc) they start off with the introduction of, "Do not be afraid" or "Fear not" (Genesis 21:17, Luke 2:10, etc) and there is never indications of "haunting" or "uncertainty" with angels that we have when we think of ghosts.

OK, so there are ghosts out there and they are not dead people and they are not angels...so what are they? Well, next week we will continue from Scripture and look for an answer to that, and what it all means. What a perfect lead-up to Halloween! Feel free to share any stories of your own or any thoughts on ghosts in the comment box --- I'd love to hear from you!


What's Up Wednesday --- October 22nd

1) We are back from Florida! Very long travel time (20 hours in the car and 40 hours on the train), but we had a great time, the wedding went well, and the weather was very good. We took many pictures and videos and I compiled it into a music video last night which I will post on Family/Friend Friday this week. But if you can't wait that long for the video, you can see some different pictures on Jen's Blog or her sister Joni's (click on the person you want to visit).
2) Several people have asked about Kristie from our class (she was the girl with brain tumors) --- both brain surgeries went very well and she is back in class/church and even singing in the choir. She is used to going to the Dr.'s on a weekly basis, but is now on a 3-month break which is great news! Continue to pray as her type of cancer could return at any time, but mostly praise God for what He has done!
3) Several people have also asked about Courtney from the detention home...she was the girl that had been abandoned by her mom. We did get in for a special visit time with her, and they also found a foster family for her about 20 miles away. She recently called us and just loves it there and looks forward to doing something soon with us.
4) I am taking my final class (Hebrew) for my Master of Divinity degree. Originally I dropped the class and was going to take it online because I knew I would miss a ton of classes due to our Florida trip, retreats for work, etc. But a friend of mine I work with is the professor and he talked me in to giving it a shot anyway, learning a lot on my own, and coming to class when I can. So, after having only been in 1 class out of the first 6, we had our first major test Monday. Half of it I "aced" and half wasn't quite as pretty, but we'll see. As I have been doing all the homework assignments, etc on my own I have scored very well, but it is also evident I am getting a little extra grace!
5) This past weekend we returned to "Honey Haven Farm" for their annual corn maze. They hand you a map of the maze and you have to find 6 hidden stations in a large corn field. We missed having my nephews Brady and Zach with us as they were able to come last year. We always have a great time doing it (Jen has some pictures) and I thought we made good time until our friend who entered the same time as we did beat us out with his 2 daughters (ages 6 and 4) and son (age 2).
6) I taught my final lesson in the class we lead in our church. I have been working hard over the last 2 months putting new leaders into place so when we get a new job we don't up and leave them. It is definitely proving to be a wise choice as even after 2 months there are still some pieces of the puzzle missing, but we at least have it to the point where we are just wanted now, and not necessarily needed. I wanted to end my leadership with something interesting, so we did my final lesson on Ghosts (whether or not they exist, and if so, what they are)...I'll do a few posts over the next 2 "Theological Thursdays" to show you my conclusions based on Scripture for the Halloween season.


Time Warp Tuesday --- Three Kinds of People

There are three kinds of people in this world. Those who can count...and those who can't.

I came into my freshman year at Grove City College with great anticipation. I was recruited by the track coach, and the track times I ran in high school were faster than the college records there. I also loved math and did very well at it in high school and was looking forward to (as a math major) to someday being a math teacher and continuing my magic on the side.

Freshman year at GCC everyone had to take physical education. To start out the year all freshman had to take a test to see which skill/fitness level class they would be in. The track coach was also one of the P.E. professors, so of course I wanted to impress him during my test...especially in the running events. So I went all out in the shuttle run, the 50 meter dash, and the vertical jump and did better on these than every other freshman. We also had to do a throw and a few other non-running events in which I did average.

At the end of the test, I was dead tired! We had a little card we carried around with us and marked all our scores. We had to add some stuff up and do some basic division, addition, ect and generated and wrote down a final score. I ended up with a 63, but really had no idea what that meant.

As Physical Education class progressed throughout the semester, it became more and more apparent that I was at a different skill and fitness level than the other guys in my class, and really didn't belong here. My suspicions became valid when my professor asked me if I was sick or something on test day. I said no that I had done pretty well and on some of the tests had the best score out of everyone.

So he went into his records and pulled my card. Basically, on the test, you could score anywhere from 0-400. 0-100 put you in the lowest level class, 101-200 in the next level, etc. So my 63 put me in the lowest level class, but examining my card showed a basic math error that should have made my score a 363. Oh well, at least I got to feel like Rocky Balboa for a semester.

But to add insult to injury, my professor's response was, "Well, hopefully you're not a math major".


Magical Monday --- Among the Stars (Part 1)

When I was a teenager, I met a magician named Andre Kole (pictured above). He traveled the world performing magic shows and proclaiming the Gospel. One of his quotes to me has always been a guiding force during my career in magic. It went like this:

Take your dreams and shoot for the moon...for even if you miss, you'll still be among the stars.

Only a few years after meeting with Andre, I would be following my dream and performing all over the nation. I will always thank God for the opportunity to have those years of meeting my childhood dream - but my dream now is far better and far more important...serving God in any way He wants. Who knows where that dream will take me?!?

But back to the quote...Andre was certainly right --- shooting for the moon would take me among many stars (I am also very thankful that he included the word for in his quote...some of you will get that!). In addition to meeting pretty much every well-known magician over the years, I have also had the privilege to perform on stage with other well-known entertainers, comedians, etc. As I made this post today, it turned out to be way longer than expected, so I am splitting it into two (I guess I got carried away having the past 2-weeks off!). Next week, I will share several of the celebrities I have had the honor of performing with at various events with nationwide.


Family/Friend Friday --- The Big Game

Just a reminder...this will be my last post for the next 2 weeks. I will start up again on Monday, October 20th. Jen and I are taking Amtrak from PA to Florida for her brother Jason and his girlfriend Kerby's wedding. Jen's family rented a big house on the beach (Santa Rosa Beach) close to where the wedding will be held and where we will be staying Thursday to Sunday. We are also using one of our free nights in our travel club to stay an extra night oceanfront at Delray Beach on Sunday night.

One of the best times I've had with Jason was a Steeler game we got tickets to. We headed down to Heintz Field and took our seats in the upper deck. We were playing Jacksonville and it was back in the days of Tommy Maddox at QB. Tommy played absolutely horrible that day with 4 interceptions in regulation, but the Steeler DEF was awesome and kept us in the game.

The score was tied as the 4th quarter was ending, and Jason said, "This thing is going to go into overtime and I REALLY have to go to the bathroom". So as the clock hit 0:00, I suggested he hurry up and go because they would have to take a comercial break, do another coin toss, etc. So we left our seats and I was standing along the railing watching while Jason was in the bathroom. Several people had the same idea as Jason, so he had to wait in line. The break was over...still no Jason, the coin toss was over...still no Jason, overtime started with JAX kicking to PIT...still no Jason.

As Hank Poteat of the Steeler hauled in the kick he ran to the 10, the 20, the 30, the 40, across mid-field, to the 40, and tackled about the 35 yard line. As this is playing out, the crowd is getting louder and louder with each yard that is returned. By the time he was tackled, the stadium had erupted! As I was standing there I hear someone yelling, "Hey Mike, what happened, WHAT HAPPENED?!?" I turned around to see Jason in an all-out sprint, his zipper still down and his pants still unbuckled...more concerned with what all the cheers were about than the fact that his drawers weren't on. Unfortunatly the very next play, Maddox threw interception #5 that was returned for a Jacksonville TD (Jason should have just stayed in the bathroom!).

So as Jason and Kerby look back at all the things they should be thankful for on their wedding day, I have one for them to add to their list --- that Jason doesn't have an indecent exposure charge in his history.


Theological Thursday --- The Me Church (Part 2)

When evaluating a church, priorities should be broken down into 3 categories:

1) Absolutes - These are the things that there should be no give and take on and are completely necessary in a church (Divinity of Christ, Authority of Scripture, Trinity, etc).

2) Convictions - These are the things that help guide people in selecting a church that are not 100% clear in Scripture but may create a personal conviction of right and wrong (How often to have communion, How to Baptize, Having a glass of wine with dinner, etc).

3) Preferences - These are the things that people like in a church but are not necessary (Drums in worship, Version of the Bible, Time of Service, etc).

The easiest way to turn a church into a "Me Church" (a church that is all about you and others rather than God) is to make your personal convictions absolutes --- and unfortunately many people today are even turning their preferences into absolutes. Phrases like, "You have to sing hymns", "You have to use the King James", "The Service runs too long", etc are permeating the church. The mindset of the church should be coming to serve the King, not coming so I can be served.

So admonish, teach, train, etc those who focus on personal preferences. It's not all about you...it's all about Him! Above all else make sure His name is glorified. And if that doesn't work...you may want to attempt to direct them to this church...


What's Up Wednesday --- October 1st

1) Next week Jen's brother (Jason) is getting married in Florida. We will be taking a train from Altoona PA, to Jacksonville, FL (24 hour trip) next Wednesday and won't return until the following Wednesday. So I will also be taking a 2-week vacation from blogging starting on Monday. Since it is Jason's big week...I'll share something about him on Family/Friend Friday this week.
2) Since it is looking more and more like Jen and I will be leaving Ashland soon, we are doing a shift of leadership for our class at the church (All-4-1). Tonight I will be meeting with a potential new leader for the class along with one of the pastors. We are hoping for a change to take place by November 1st.
3) Also tonight I have elder's meeting in which we will be looking at and hopefully approving next year's budget (which may include a part-time pastor position) as well as finishing our discussion on the book Trusting God.
4) Finishing up a busy night will be an attempted trip to the detention home to visit a girl named Courtney. She has been abandoned by her mom and is there waiting for a foster family to take her in and never gets any visitors during visiting hours. To be allowed to have a 1-to-1 visit, you have to have parent/guardian permission which is obviously an issue since she doesn't have anyone. They have been trying to get permission for us from the mom but she is not returning calls...so hopefully we can get in to visit with her tonight!
5) We also got to see the new Fireproof movie over the weekend. Great movie! Go see it if you get the chance.