Here is a video from the 1st half of our vacation to Florida...Amelia Island. Next Tuesday I will post the video from the 2nd half of our trip...Disney World. Enjoy!
Media Monday --- M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E
Florida Vacation --- Day 15
See you back here on Monday for my regular Blog...if I am not too depressed.
Florida Vacation --- Day 14
Florida Vacation --- Day 13

Florida Vacation --- Day 12
Florida Vacation --- Day 11

Florida Vacation --- Day 10

Florida Vacation --- Day 9

Florida Vacation --- Day 8
Florida Vacation --- Day 7

Florida Vacation --- Day 6
Florida Vacation --- Day 5
Florida Vacation --- Day 4
Florida Vacation --- Day 3
Florida Vacation --- Day 2

Florida Vacation --- Day 1

Final Answer Friday --- Final Exam

Joni - 4
Steve - 2.75
Dana - 3
Janet -2
Jeff - 2
Jerry - 1.5
Jason - 1
Jill - 1
Ron - 1
Renae - .5
Theological Thursday --- The Ugliness of Sin

What Is It Wednesday --- Final Exam

Talking Point Tuesday --- Jerry's Birthday
The second time I met him, he took a good hour trying to convince me that the Earth "could be" flat and that it is not necessarily round. As a former math teacher, he spent a full day of class laying out the arguments for his students as well. I still to this day don't know if he really considers that the Earth could be flat, or if he just likes to present the arguments and possible evidence for fun. If anyone is interested in the arguments, there is a group called the "Flat Earth Society" (Click HERE) that is convinced the Earth is not round. But, I will have to go against my father-in-law on this one and go with my Heavenly Father who says:
It is God Who sits above the circle of the earth (Isaiah 40:22)
But in any case, Happy Birthday Jerry! Feel free to leave him birthday wishes in the comment section as well...and also with all his traveling now that he is retired, pray he doesn't fall of the edge of the Earth!
Media Monday --- The Direction of Government

Final Answer Friday --- Bowling
Guessing Jen's first roll - Dana (1 point)
Guessing Mike's first roll - Nobody
Closest to Jen's Final Score - Janet (1 point)
Closest to Mike's Final Score - Joni (1 point)
Filming the Video - Jen (1 point)
Jen - 4.75
Joni - 4
Steve - 2.75
Dana - 3
Janet -2
Jeff - 2
Jerry - 1.5
Jason - 1
Julie - 1
Jill - 1
Ron - 1
Renae - .5
Theological Thursday --- Christians and Democrats

What Is It Wednesday --- Bowling
1) How many pins did Jen get on her 1st roll?
2) What was Jen's final score?
3) How many pins did Mike get on his first roll?
4) What was Mike's final score?
Here is a video to help you out...
So your answers in the comment section should look something like this:
Jen - 7 pins/102 total
Mike - 6 pins/111 total
You can get a point for each of us for getting the exact answer for how many pins we knocked down on our first ball each, and whoever gets closest to Jen's final score will get a point and whoever gets closest to my final score gets a point.
Talking Point Tuesday --- Karley's Birthday
Last week was my niece Karley's birthday (my sister Dana's daughter). She turned 3. Every year Jen and I like to take my sister's kids into town and let them pick out their own gift for their birthday. So this video is from last year and what she picked --- we'll get to take her out again for this years birthday when we are in DuBois later this month.
My sister warned us that she already had tons of babies and would want another one and to try and get her to pick something else out, but when her eyes hit the baby and stroller she wouldn't stop saying, "BeeBee BeeBee"...and it was her birthday and at least it made her happy for the day as she pushed the thing all over the mall!
Media Monday --- Steroids in Baseball
Well, the topic jumped to the top of the media again the last few weeks as Alex Rodriguez (one of the best players in the game) was caught and admitted to taking steroids (after he had previously denied it). It is getting to the point that if a player was any good during the 1998-2003 seasons, we may as well assume they had taken steroids. Actually, even average players may have been using during this time just to make them "average" (according to the list of players who have been caught). Those years will be forever known as the "Steroid Era".
But the big question now is what to do about it. There are a lot of arguments about the Hall of Fame (should players caught with steroids get in...and how do you know for sure who took them and who didn't?), questions surrounding broken records (should Hank Arron get his HR record back since Bonds took steroids?), whether or not we should just erase those years from baseball history, etc.
To me...this all boils down to one major point --- ENTERTAINMENT. That's what baseball is all about. Major League Baseball needs us (fans) in order to survive. How do they survive? They entertain us, and we pay to go to games, buy apparel, allow them to get advertising dollars by watching games on TV, etc. Right now the arguments seem to center on the's all about them...but I think the center should be on the fans since we are the ones that keep the league going (would these players still play 182 games a year for free? Don't think so).
As a fan, I absolutely LOVED the 1998 season (Mark McGuire/Sammy Sosa Home Run Chase), and so did everyone else. In a strike shortened 1994 season, only 50 million fans went to major league games. People were fed up with baseball after that and only 50 million fans went to games during the entire 1995 season. But as the Home Run Chase Year began (and the steroid era) in 1998, over 70 million fans attended games...over 40% growth! That season has been called "The Season That Saved Baseball" and for good reason.
As fans, most of us like to see the long ball. I always loved going to batting practice an hour before the game (in 1999, I caught 11 baseballs at the left-field wall during batting practice and would always give them to little kids hoping to get a ball). All fans tuned into their TV's to see Sosa and McGuire at-bats that would automatically interupt whatever was on ESPN.
I am certainly not excusing illegal behavior or saying (as some have suggested) that steroids were necessary for baseball. But MLB needs to turn to its main source...the fans for some perspective. I don't care so much about the records --- after all there are more games in a year now, the fences are shorter, the equipment is better, etc, etc, etc. There are a lot of arguments that today's records aren't fair even outside of steroids.
So as the players continue to deny, argue, fight, apologize, etc --- the fans care about one thing --- keep playing ball and keep us entertained. We don't care to hear that you would have done just as well without steroids. As my former pastor used to say, "Don't Just Sing it...Bring It!"