Well, the movers are supposed to be here around 8:30 and we'll officially be on our way back to Pennsylvania! To all our Ohio friends, Ohio family, and Ohio random blog guests --- we'll miss you! To all our PA friends, PA family, and PA random blog guests --- we're coming home! To all our other state friends, other state family, and other state random blog guests --- you don't care!
Any ways, I am unsure about how soon we'll have the internet up and running, and I am sure it will be pretty crazy with all the unpacking, starting a new job, etc for at least a week, so I won't be posting for a week or so (but keep checking back!). To keep you busy while you continue to see this same message over the next several days, keep watching and listening to this awesome song our worship leader introduced me to! It is by a "bluegrass" band (which I don't like all that much), but you'll never know it by listening to this. It is a little know group called "Nickel Creek" (anyone ever hear of them?)...I listened to several of their songs, but this is the only one I like. Make sure you read the words!...
Final Answer Friday --- The Change
THIS WEEKS WINNER: Joni (2 points)
RUNNER-UP: Dana (1 point)
Joni - 6
Dana - 5
Jen - 4.75
Julie - 4
Steve - 2.75
Janet -2
Jeff - 2
Jerry - 1.5
Jason - 1
Jill - 1
Ron - 1
Renae - .5
THIS WEEKS WINNER: Joni (2 points)
RUNNER-UP: Dana (1 point)
Joni - 6
Dana - 5
Jen - 4.75
Julie - 4
Steve - 2.75
Janet -2
Jeff - 2
Jerry - 1.5
Jason - 1
Jill - 1
Ron - 1
Renae - .5
Theological Thursday --- Baseball

In honor of the start of the 2009 season --- THE LORD'S BASEBALL GAME
Freddy and the Lord stood by to observe a baseball game. The Lord's team was playing Satan's team. The Lord's team was at bat, the score was tied zero to zero, and it was the bottom of the 9th inning with two outs. They continued to watch as a batter stepped up to the plate named 'Love.' Love swung at the first pitch and hit a single, because " Love never fails."
The next batter was named Faith , who also got a single because Faith works with Love .
The next batter up was named Godly Wisdom . Satan wound up and threw the first pitch. Godly Wisdom looked it over and let it pass: Ball one. Three more pitches and Godly Wisdom walked because he never swings at what Satan throws .
The bases were now loaded. The Lord then turned to Freddy and told him He was now going to bring in His star player. Up to the plate stepped Grace. Freddy said, "He sure doesn't look like much!" Satan's whole team relaxed when they saw Grace. Thinking he had won the game, Satan wound up and fired his first pitch. To the shock of everyone, Grace hit the ball harder than anyone had ever seen! But Satan was not worried; his center fielder let very few get by.
He went up for the ball, but it went right through his glove, hit him on the head and sent him crashing on the ground; the roaring crowds went wild as the ball continued over the fence . . . for a home run! The Lord's team won!
The Lord then asked Freddy if he knew why Love, Faith and Godly Wisdom could get on base but couldn't win the game. Freddy answered that he didn't know why. The Lord explained, "If your love, faith, and wisdom had won the game, you would think you had done it by yourself. Love, Faith, and Wisdom will get you on base but only My Grace can get you Home.
For by Grace are you saved, it is a gift of God; not of works, lest any man should boast. ---Ephesians 2:8-9
What Is It Wednesday --- The Change
Here is a video of my spare change jar --- how much money is in it? I will keep the comments turned on this week...just don't be fooled by the guesses of those before you as they may be way off!
Talking Point Tuesday --- Disney World
A video of our recent Disney World Trip...the song is from the Spectromagic Parade at the Magic Kingdom which we saw several times...
Media Monday --- Messed Up Story of the Year
OK...I need your help. I am confused after reading this story whether I should be saddened by the sinful nature, laughing at the irony, shocked by these events, or sitting in disbelief that this story is true. Someone please tell me how I should feel!
In Stuttgart, Germany, a court judge must decide on a case of honorable intentions in a situation where a man hired his neighbor to get his wife pregnant. It seems that Demetrius Soupolos, 29, and his former beauty queen wife, Traute, wanted a child badly, but Demetrius was told by a doctor that he was sterile. So, Soupolos, after calming his wife’s protests, hired his neighbor, Frank Maus, 34, to impregnate her.
Since Maus was already married and the father of two children, plus looked very much like Soupolos to boot, the plan seemed good. Soupolos paid Maus $2,500 for the job and for three evenings a week for the next six months, Maus tried desperately, a total of 72 different times, to impregnate Traute. When his own wife objected, he explained, "I don’t like this any more than you. I’m simply doing it for the money. Try and understand."
After Traute failed to get pregnant after six months, however, Soupolos was not understanding and insisted that Maus have a medical examination, which he did. The doctor’s announcement that Maus was also sterile shocked everyone except his wife, who was forced to confess that Maus was not the real father of their two children. Now Soupolos is suing Maus for breach of contract in an effort to get his money back, but Maus refuses to give it up because he said he did not guarantee conception, but only that he would give an honest effort.
In Stuttgart, Germany, a court judge must decide on a case of honorable intentions in a situation where a man hired his neighbor to get his wife pregnant. It seems that Demetrius Soupolos, 29, and his former beauty queen wife, Traute, wanted a child badly, but Demetrius was told by a doctor that he was sterile. So, Soupolos, after calming his wife’s protests, hired his neighbor, Frank Maus, 34, to impregnate her.
Since Maus was already married and the father of two children, plus looked very much like Soupolos to boot, the plan seemed good. Soupolos paid Maus $2,500 for the job and for three evenings a week for the next six months, Maus tried desperately, a total of 72 different times, to impregnate Traute. When his own wife objected, he explained, "I don’t like this any more than you. I’m simply doing it for the money. Try and understand."
After Traute failed to get pregnant after six months, however, Soupolos was not understanding and insisted that Maus have a medical examination, which he did. The doctor’s announcement that Maus was also sterile shocked everyone except his wife, who was forced to confess that Maus was not the real father of their two children. Now Soupolos is suing Maus for breach of contract in an effort to get his money back, but Maus refuses to give it up because he said he did not guarantee conception, but only that he would give an honest effort.
Final Answer Friday --- The Boxes
Well, we had guesses ranging from 22 to 425 and everywhere in between! Everything that you pick up and would call a "box" (including the plastic ones) was counted...but not the "boxes packed inside bigger boxes". Basically, it was the number of boxes I had to physically pick up and carry into the living room. In the video itself, you can see far more than 22, so that number is far too low, and thankfully 425 is far too high! The correct number of boxes is 96 (where was Julie's guess...she is usually good at these "shot in the dark" questions). It is a small illusion as most of the small boxes are in front (so it makes it seem like there are more there than really exist) and only big ones are in the back.
So that makes Dana our winner this week with a guess of 87. As a prize you can come and pick out any 3 boxes out of the pile you want.* Please pick the big ones so we don't have to move them!!!
*Winner must claim prize in person by 8:03 am on 4/03/09 or winnings will be invalid.
Jen - 4.75
Julie - 4
Joni - 4
Dana - 4
Steve - 2.75
Janet -2
Jeff - 2
Jerry - 1.5
Jason - 1
Jill - 1
Ron - 1
Renae - .5
So that makes Dana our winner this week with a guess of 87. As a prize you can come and pick out any 3 boxes out of the pile you want.* Please pick the big ones so we don't have to move them!!!
*Winner must claim prize in person by 8:03 am on 4/03/09 or winnings will be invalid.
Jen - 4.75
Julie - 4
Joni - 4
Dana - 4
Steve - 2.75
Janet -2
Jeff - 2
Jerry - 1.5
Jason - 1
Jill - 1
Ron - 1
Renae - .5
Theological Thursday --- Desires of the Heart

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. --- Psalm 37:4
Prior to going to seminary, my Bible study group in Pittsburgh did a study on King Solomon, and I reflected on the story of God promising anything to Solomon that he wanted --- and of all the riches, possessions, etc Solomon could have asked for, he instead asked (and received) wisdom. I knew if I were to go into ministry, I would need far more wisdom and problem solving skills than I possessed, so I began to pray daily (and still do to this day) for wisdom.
When I was in elementary school, we took an IQ test. I got a 116. For all people, 100 is considered "average" and 132 is considered "genius" --- so I was pretty far above average, but far from the top of the scale. In a room of 100 people, I would be above 75 of them, but below 25...just a face in the crowd as far as wisdom and intelligence are concerned.
As I began to pray for wisdom 5 years ago, as the days have gone by, I have noticeably seen God making things much clearer and my wisdom grow by leaps and bounds. IQ is supposed to be a "static" thing (meaning it doesn't change over your lifetime). It may fluctuate plus or minus 5 points, but for the most part should never change. During my counseling classes 2 years ago, we took and IQ test and I scored a 138. There is no explanation of how it could jump by 22 points, and I thought maybe it was a fluke and maybe I had just guessed some of the answers right.
Many of you may remember that I said I was taking the MENSA test --- which requires the 132 score or above and accepts only the top 2% of the population in IQ. I received a letter before vacation that I had passed the test! They didn't provide an exact score, only that it was above the 132 mark. I think it is an incredible testament to the power of God and how He works through our prayers and wants to give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 34:7) when they align with His will. Wisdom and IQ are not exactly the same, but they both have the components of discernment and knowledge. I have no doubt that God will use this to further His Kingdom in some way, and I am excited to see how it will all play out. God has used my life to take something that is supposedly statistically very unlikely (jumping by 22+ IQ points) and has made it happen for His Glory in mine (and Jen's) ministry for Him.
What are you praying for? What are your desires? Do they align with His? Most importantly...Jerry (Jen's dad), you better listen from now on when I say during the football game whether it is best to go for it, punt, go for 2, kick the FG, etc --- cause it will be the wise choice!
What Is It Wednesday --- The Boxes
Well, we offically began the process of moving. We decided that we would completely empty out our spare bedroom and move everything into the living room and as things get packed we will label them and move them back into the spare bedroom. I knew it would motivate Jen to move quickly if the living room looked like a complete mess (which you'll see on the video that it does!). Your question is simple --- how many boxes are currently in the living room (see video below).
P.S. I turned on comment moderation until Thursday afternoon so you won't be able to see other people's guesses until then. So don't be waiting to see what other people say (cause you won't see it)...just post your guess!
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