A few weeks ago we celebrated Jen's 5 year remission from cancer! God has truly blessed us during this time...but why? While Jen battled her cancer, there were 2 other young ladies (30's) that battled with the same disease --- one of them passed away and one is still fighting on a daily basis. So why was Jen healed and not the others? Was it her faith? Her strength? God's strength? A combination?
Before I get into specifics, I want to make a side note that God has blessed each of us with amazing minds, and science is discovering daily more and more about the awesome qualities we possess and the power God has granted us with our minds. Research again and again shows that when people who are suffering can use their minds to develop a positive outlook will (in general) heal quicker, heal more completely, etc. When we do the opposite (and drown ourselves in despair) many times the opposite occurs. The Bible talks in many places about the importance of hope --- specifically in Him (even when we've lost all else including our health)...and when we lose our hope in Him, of course it is going to impact us physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, etc and it is no wonder that people who are battling a disease face more obstacles when they fall into that trap.
But some people take what's mentioned above and use the line, "If you just have enough faith you will be healed". But is that true? I believe the answer comes from Acts 3:1-8...
Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the ninth hour, the hour of prayer. A man who had been lame since his birth was being carried along and was sat down at the gate called Beautiful every day to beg for money from those entering the temple...when Peter and John were entering the temple, the man began asking them for money...Peter and John responded, "Look at us"...the man expected to receive money...Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ, walk!"...immediately his legs and ankles were straightened and he got up and walked.
IMPORTANT QUESTION --- What kind of faith did this man have that he would be healed? NONE! He was at the temple, during the "hour of prayer" (3:00 and busiest time of day for the temple) at sat at the busiest gate. He went there in hopes of receiving money as he did every single day of his life. Even when he saw Peter and John, he was begging for money...the fact that God could heal him through them didn't even cross his mind (and its not a stretch to say he had probably given up on that long ago).
So what does that tell about healing today? It doesn't depend on our faith or the minds we've been blessed with (although those things can help)...but it depends solely on the sovereignty of a loving God. He chooses who He heals and who He doesn't (and who better to make that decision than the One who sees the "whole picture"?). So Jen's healing isn't based on her awesome faith (although she had that) or her positive attitude and outlook (although she had that too), but on the awesome power of God...and His sovereign mercy upon Jen when she was suffering. ALL the glory for healing should go to Him as it is not by our power, but His! And we thank Him everyday for the healing He has done in Jen's life.