This is my aunt Mary Lou (my grandma's sister) on my mom's side. Everyday my mom prints out my Blog and gives a copy to her and to my grandma. When I went for a visit in DuBois, they asked me why I never say anything about them in my posts. Most of my family/friend Friday posts deal with someone who is celebrating a birthday/anniversary/etc. and Mary Lou and my grandma had birthdays soon before I started this Blog. But since there are no birthdays this coming week, and the following week is Grandparent's Day (the perfect time to make a post about my grandma) I thought today would be a good time to introduce Mary Lou.
Mary Lou was always my "summer babysitter" growing up. I went to her house everyday and played with my cousins Allen and Melanie. She also taught my 1st grade catechism class. Since she was a teacher, she would always pick up me, my brother, and sister every Monday night. She could tell you plenty of nightmare stories about trying to drag my brother who often refused to go without putting up a fight. Recently she called my brother her "favorite" nephew...so she is obviously losing her mind as she gets older! Don't worry...she has a great sense of humor and will find that funny.
Anyway, when I turned 21 twelve years ago, I had no desire to go to a bar...but I couldn't wait to go to the casino! I don't care much about money, but it is the competition that I love. Mary Lou and I used to take bus trips to Atlantic City several times a year (I won on my first 7 trips which made me want to go even more!). Mary Lou would play the slot machines and I would play the table card games. She was always insistent that I knew exactly where she was and that I checked up on her often.
So one day we take a bus trip and arrive in Atlantic City and we have to go to the bathroom. So I go into the men's room, and Mary Lou goes into the ladies room. I told her I would meet her right outside the doors. I was only in there a minute or 2 and came out to wait. Five minutes go by....then 10...then 15...and no Mary Lou! I asked one of the women going into the restroom if they could see if she was ok. The woman came out and said, "There is nobody in there named Mary Lou".
So now I start to wonder if she did beat me out, and if so, where would she have gone? I stopped a passing security guard and said, "I lost my aunt in the bathroom" (not something you say everyday). The security guard replied, "Did you know this bathroom has a separate entrance?" Right away I was sure Mary Lou had walked out the wrong door and was on the other side of the casino probably frantically waiting. As I was walking though the casino with the guard to try and find her, I hear another security guard's voice come through on his walkie-talkie..."WE ARE LOOKING FOR A MIKE CATA...CANATA..." and I hear Mary Lou finish him off, "IT'S CATANZARITO AND I'M LOST!!!"
Obviously we eventually found each other, and she should be very happy --- the ordeal took 15 minutes off her gambling time and probably saved her $20 that she would have lost!