Today I am officially 33! I used to think when you turned 30, you started to get old. Now I think it is 40 (and as I approach 40 that number will change to 50...I am never getting old!). So what about heaven...am I still going to get to celebrate my birthday there? And, if so, will we celebrate my birthday here on Earth (8/21/1975), the date of my "new birth" when I accepted Christ as my Savior (7/7/1993), or the day I die and enter heaven (2/15/2062)?
One of my favorite chapters of the Bible is Revelation 21 which tells us a lot about heaven. First of all, we will no longer be constrained by time (vs. 25). There will be no more night (for God's glory will light the entire place!) and we won't walk around wondering what day of the week it is and dreading Mondays!
Second, we will no longer be contained by space. In verses 15-17 an angel takes a measuring rod (kind of like a yard stick) and measures heaven for John. Instantly, the angel gives John the dimensions of heaven at 1,500 miles long, 1,500 miles wide, and 1,500 miles high (which means we can fly!). How long would it take you to measure the distance from Maine to Montana to Florida and another 1,500 miles up? In heaven we can do it in an instant!
Finally, the gates of heaven will never be shut (verse 25). Other verses speak of a gatekeeper that will allow us in and out of the gates. We will be able to explore all of God's creation and stand in awe of Him and His greatness. Much of the talk of heaven in the New Testament is similar to the Garden of Eden before man sinned...and there was a lot to do (first of which will be worshipping the King), so forget about boredom and sitting on a cloud playing your harp for eternity!
So although there will not technically be birthdays in heaven, it will sure feel like it all the time. We have a place waiting for us that: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined (1 Corinthians 2:9). But there is one flaw to this post...the assumption that heaven has birthdays would imply that heaven is all about us. But, it is going to be all about God. The great thing though is when we make it all about God, the Blessings that flow from that love and devotion give us more than we could ever want or imagine...more on that next week.
1 comment:
so you're going to die the day after Valentine's day in 54 years? Jen - make sure you make that one special Valentine's day!! hehe
hope you enjoyed your detroit trip!
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