Time Warp Tuesday --- The Princess Spoke

Magical Monday --- Tighty Whities
Above is a video of one of my newer tricks which creates the illusion that I am stealing someone's underwear (sorry for the bad quality...the lighting at this show was really bad and I had to brighten the video 5X just to see it). I went through many creative ideas of how to best utilize this trick...and currently it is used as the finale to end my show. I tie it in with another one of my tricks (rope thru the body). After cutting myself in half with a rope, I call on a volunteer to be cut in half in the same way using a scarf. But the kicker is, instead of being cut in half, their underwear (which happens to be tighty whities) comes off.
So I was ending my show recently at the county fair with this trick. Normally I use someone that is at least a teenager (as you can imagine how embarrassing this could be for a child), but there was a little boy about 8-years-old that was sitting up front the entire show that I knew would be perfect for the trick. So after he watched me cut myself in half with the rope, he did volunteer to come up and let me attempt the same to him with the rope. When the underwear came flying out there was the funniest look of shock on this kids face which made the audience erupt in laughter. As I turned to put the trick away, I heard everyone burst out in even more laughter...but didn't see what happened. What could it have been?
Turns out the little kid pulled out his waistband and took a peek to see whether or not it was really his underwear!
Family/Friend Friday --- A Long Trip

Theological Thursday --- Me Church (Part 1)

What's Up Wednesday --- September 24th
2) The "Intro to Theological Education" class I am an instructor for at the seminary is wrapping up this week. Tonight is our final regular class and then I meet individually with each student over the next week.
3) The show at the county fair went great...there was a decent sized crowd and the kids were really into it.
4) The outreach show I did on Sunday also went very well. The head pastor (who also works at the seminary) called yesterday to let me know the kids and adults are still talking about it and want me to come back ASAP. The check they gave me was $250 more than I asked for, so that is a good thing too!
5) Friday night is our staff party for Grace Brethren Church. I attend all the staff meetings on Tuesdays and am considered a pastor there so Jen and I will be going. We look forward to playing some FRICKET!
6) Saturday night we are attempting to go to the fall "barn dance" at Malabar Farm. It is a square dance (Jen's idea) and we have to coax 3 other couples from our building to go.
7) I kicked some butt in fantasy football this week! (I thought I would add this and rub it in a little since it was my brother I beat, and I know he checks this blog every once in a while).
Time Warp Tuesday --- Trivial Pursuit

Magical Monday --- September 11th, 2001

Family/Friend Friday --- 10 Years

I did have 1 great friend at Lock Haven. Her name was Kirsten and she was in the Phys Ed program with me. While others were out partying, we would always watch Three's Company, Friends (they actually had new episodes back then!), rule the tennis courts (we never lost a double's match together), or play one of my wacky made-up games like Bruiseball or Powerball(so those of you that hate my made up games and modified rules you can blame Kirsten for always encouraging me!). She is now a teacher near Hershey and lives with her husband and occasionally jumps on to read this Blog.
The best story I can remember with Kirsten came from our Adaptive Physical Education class. The professor thought it would be a good idea to make the entire class spend 24-hours in a wheelchair to get an idea of what it was like. Kirsten was my partner and she would help me out, and then we would switch the following day. As soon as we got out of class that day, she agreed to help wheel me back to my apartment.
Now, if you've ever been to Lock Haven you know there are only 2 choices...you are either walking up a hill or walking down a hill....there is no level ground. So we get to one of the hills that leads to my apartment and we are slowly making our way down. All of the sudden, Kirsten "accidentally" lets go, and I am off to the races (I am still not sure if it was really an accident?!? --- Maybe she'll leave a comment and explain). I wish I had a video I could show you of what happened next, but this one off of Youtube pretty much sums it up:
Theological Thursday --- How Big is Your Bible?

What's Up Wednesday --- September 17th

Time-Warp Tuesday --- The New Cell Phone

Magical Monday --- Kids Say the Darndest Things

Family/Friend Friday --- Grove City Bob

Theological Thursday --- What Do You See?

Last Thursday's post included an awareness test and asked the question of where your focus is. I said this week I would post something that could potentially change the way you view the world. We want our focus to be the same as Christ's, so lets look at what Scripture has to say:
When Jesus landed and saw the crowd, He had compassion on them because they were like a sheep without a shepherd (Matthew 6:34)
So what exactly did Jesus see? What caused Him to have compassion on all these people?
We rarely show videos in church...but this one can really touch your heart and give you an idea of what it is like to truly take the focus off of yourself and the problems in your world and look into the world of others as Christ had done on a consistant basis. I attend the pastor's meeting every Tuesday afternoon at the church to go over the weekly messages, events, issues, etc...and this video (by far) caused one of the biggest responses we have ever gotten.
Set a day aside to try and be intentional about seeing into the hearts and lives of those around you...it just might change your life...(and don't forget to leave a comment to share your thoughts on this)...
What's Up Wednesday --- September 10th

Time Warp Tuesday --- Family Visit
Magical Monday --- Impromptu Lines

Family/Friend Friday --- Grandparent's Day
Theological Thursday --- Where's Your Focus
Meanwhile, the boat was far out to sea when the wind came up against them and they were battered by the waves. At about four o'clock in the morning, Jesus came toward them walking on the water. They were scared out of their wits. "A ghost!" they said, crying out in terror. But Jesus was quick to comfort them. "Courage, it's me. Don't be afraid." Peter, suddenly bold, said, "Master, if it's really you, call me to come to you on the water." He said, "Come ahead." Jumping out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to Jesus. But when he looked down at the waves churning beneath his feet, he lost his nerve and started to sink. (Matthew 14:24-20)
Notice how Peter got it right when His focus was on God, and things began to fall apart when Peter began to turn his focus elsewhere. All of us have our focus on something. Is yours on:
1) Yourself and your circumstances?
2) Others and their circumstances?
3) God
When we focus on ourselves and the problems we have in life, we can lose our heart for others and our passion for God. When we focus on others we can get so caught up in service that we neglect our relationship with our Savior. It's only when we have our focus on God that we get a proper perspective and can see the entire picture (and have a heart for our relationship with Him and serving others)...and just like Peter do things we never thought possible.
Why is our focus on God so important? It helps us see what Jesus was able to see...which can change your entire outlook on life. Make sure you check back next Thursday to see another video that will impact the way you view the world...
P.S. Did anyone see the moonwalking bear the first time?
What's Up Wednesday --- September 3rd
2) Just as that retreat wrapped up, the pastors come for retreat #3 next week (Monday - Wednesday). It has been very difficult to plan two retreats at once and has been a little overwhelming at work for the past few weeks, but it will be nice when next week ends and we do not have another retreat until December!
3) Jen and I will be going to Cleveland for her appointment with the cancer doctor. Please pray that everything remains clear on all of her tests and that her doctor says the same thing as always, "You are doing super".
4) Jen's sister Julie and her husband Keith + kids did make it for a visit on Sunday. We got to go to the big (sarcasm) Ashland parade as well as a tour of Ashland (5 minutes) and a tour of the seminary, time on the playground, some FRICKET, a picnic, etc, etc. We definitely had a great time with them (although we were exhausted by the end of the day). Since I will be so busy next week at work, I will probably post a video early next week (I'll make it this weekend and it will save me from having to write out a post).
5) I did perform in the Ashland Community Event downtown on Monday as well. I was there to promote the county fair which I will be performing my entire show on the 18th. I decided to do my rubber chicken routine (see Monday's post) which I do not usually do unless it is for a group that knows each other well (this audience was mostly all strangers since it was open to the public). My hunch has always been that the trick would go over much better with a close group using one of their leaders as a volunteer (as they end up holding toilet paper with a plunger on their head). As suspected, the routine went over "average" with a group of strangers, but it was a great event to give it a try! (plus I didn't have to give away any of the tricks I will be doing at the fair).
Time Warp Tuesday --- The Shot

Magical Monday --- Henrietta