My freshman year at Grove City College introduced me to a lot of great people...especially the guys on my floor in my dorm. One of my best friends today (Chris) and I met as he lived only a few doors down. When I knew I would be transferring to a new school to change to a major not offered at GCC, I used to drag my mattress from room to room and spend the night on the floor of some of my best friends there (and the joke continued for years that "I was the guy that slept around").
At the end of the hall lived a guy named Bob. Everyone on our floor left their doors unlocked except for Bob. He was very particular about his stuff...especially his bed. You didn't dare sit on his bed or lay anything on top of it. Bob also had this huge "treasure chest" that he put all his spare change in since he was a child that had several hundred (possibly even thousand) dollars full of quarters, nickels, dimes, and pennies.
Bob was also known to leave every night at 8:00 for the library and return at 9:00 (almost to the minute!). So one day Bob goes to the bathroom and his door is open. So I hurry and take a piece of duct tape and cover his lock so the door will shut, but not lock. So at 8:00 that night as he headed to the library, a couple of us got together to plan on a joke we could play on Bob.
It started as, "Why don't we rearrange his room" to "Let's switch his room with someone else that's not here". Finally the suggestion came to do something to his weak spot, his bed. That led into a handful of change from his treasure chest being stuffed into his pillow, to several handfulls being placed under his sheet, and as one thing led to another, the entire chest was dumped and piled onto his bed (probably a good 2 feet high!).
We all stood by the window and just like clockwork, at 9:00 we could see Bob and his girlfriend walking toward our dorm. We all went to our rooms to act natural...and listened with great anticipation of what his reaction would be. I didn't hear Bob say a word, but I did hear BOOM, SLAM, POW, ETC. What was Bob doing???
Well, since Bob was sure he had locked the door, he thought it had to be his roommate that did this. So he was flipping out and throwing his roommates stuff all over the floor. Next thing I knew he 1-handedly pulled every drawer out from his roommate's dresser, walked over to the window, and dumped out all its contents (and we were on the 3rd floor!). So all of his roommate's stuff was all over the floor, and his roommate's clothes were scattered on the ground 3 floors below, and to top it all off, Bob's girlfriend was standing down there waiting and watching all this.
Next Bob takes off running to (as we were told later) kill his roommate for doing this (even though he had no clue where he was). As we watched out the window, his girlfriend stopped him and got him calmed down. Lucky for us, we would get to see a whole new show when his roommate returned to see what Bob had done! hahaha
Bob and that girlfriend of his did end up getting married. Oh, and if you ever run into Bob today, call him "pastor" as he has a church in Illinois.
That wasn't very nice...I hoped you all 'fessed up...
isn't that the Pastor you ran into in Jamestown that one day?
does that REALLY surprise you Jen? I thought that was pretty "mellow" for stories we've heard...and what could've been! Wish I would've had college years like that!!!! :)
I can't believe you did that!!!
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