Family/Friend Friday --- The Toolbox

Theological Thursday --- Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Worship the LORD with gladness;
Know that the LORD is God.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
What's Up Wednesday --- November 26th
2) You can still check my Blog tomorrow and Friday. They have been created already and are scheduled to post at 8:00 on that day.
3) We will be returning to Ashland Saturday night so we can do the Sunday Service at the detention home.
4) The FOCUS retreat went very well (see yesterday's video)...we had a great time catching up with new friends, teaching what God put on my heart, and getting some quiet time to connect with God.
5) Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!!!
Magical Monday --- A New Trick
Family/Friend Friday --- The Plants

Theological Thursday --- Let There Be...(Part 2)

What's Up Wednesday --- November 19th

Time Warp Tuesday --- Smoking Ladies

Magical Monday --- A Long Distance Trick

Family/Friend Friday --- Janet's Birthday
Among the many special talents Janet has are cooking, drawing, painting, sewing, etc, etc, etc. One of the most popular items we own is a quilt she made us for our wedding that has our baby pictures, college logos, etc. Over the past week or so, I have been mentioning something in my office that gets the most attention by visitors. It is a replica of the building I work in which Janet made for me for Christmas a few years ago. It it perfectly done! People always ask where it came from and can't believe what a great job she did! The director for my building asked if there was any way he could order 100 of them to give to donors, special guests, etc (and I am sure he wanted to keep one for himself too!). Now that she is retired, she may want to consider?!? Below are some pictures of the building I work in as well as the replica Janet made. Can you tell which of the 3 are real and which are Janet's...
So Happy Birthday Janet! Jen and I put our dance lessons we took a few years ago to good use and did the "Birthday Dance" from the era you are used to. Take a look below...
Theological Thursday --- Let There Be... (Part 1)

What's Up Wednesday --- November 12th
2) It's been a hard week at work...with a loss in endowment (because of the stock market), lower enrollment, lower retention, overspending, etc --- 52 people lost their jobs here yesterday and everyone else had to take a pay cut ranging from 3% to 6%.
3) We are getting very excited for next weekend's FOCUS retreat. I will be teaching 4 sessions that are about 2 hours each. I am finished with 2 of the 4 (the hard ones!), and the others should fall into place this weekend. This retreat is always a highlight of the year as it is time away with God as well as old friends.
4) This weekend will be busy. I am going to an eschatology (end times) seminar on Saturday as well as a party for our class at church. We call it "Thanksmas" as we combine Thanksgiving and Christmas. We'll have a Thanksgiving meal and then open some gag gifts together. On Sunday, I'll be going to the detention home as usual. Last week we had a great discussion!
Time Warp Tuesday --- The Shot Heard Round Pittsburgh
Steve --- My roommate at the time. We had just moved in together a few months before and he loved my little putting machine (although he never golfed on a real course before). So this was his first day to ever play. It was very evident on the first hole when someone asked him to mark his ball (to put something flat down like a coin so it doesn't interfere with someone else's putt) and when he was told it meant to pick up his ball and put something in its place, he picked up his ball and set down his car keys. Steve could always hit his 5-wood perfectly straight, 120 yards. Unfortunately it takes him 5-6 shots to get to his "sweet spot" of 120 yards away.
Eric "Dice" Miller --- Our next door neighbor from "Bawston". We loved his signature line of, "You've gawt to golf early so your ball can break the moornin dew". We called him "Dice" in comparison to Andrew Dice Clay, the comedian who loves to let the 4-letter swear words fly...and Eric had the Boston 4-letter words down pretty well! It was funny the day we talked him into going to church with us...he threw on his Budweiser T-shirt and sat in the very front row. I also remember on a slow day of golf when he drove his ball on a par 3 when the group ahead of us was still on the green...Eric's ball bounced right through the guy's legs (he had his back to us) which started a swearing and shouting match that almost resulted in a fight. Don't get me wrong though, Eric was a GREAT guy and we always enjoyed spending time with him --- although I will never tell the story of the time we were on the radio together!
Zolton --- I know very little about Zolton other than he worked with Steve. He was from another country, but I don't remember where??? He had a very strong accent and I remember eating with him at the Lube and he got the suicide wings. With a beet red face and sweat pouring down, he kept saying, "Deez are goowd, Deez are goowd!". From what I understand, when Steve talks to Zolton, he still mentions what happened 9 years ago...
We were walking around the course having a good time. For how nice the weather was, it wasn't very crowded (although there were some people behind us). We walked up to a par-4 which was only 259 yards (most par 4's range from 280-400 yards). So I knew if I could really get ahold of my ball, I could get it on the green.
When my turn came, I gave it a good smack, and knew that it would make the green. It bounced up on and started curving toward the hole. I figured there is no way to get a hole-in-one on a par 4 as it is next to impossible to get one on a par 3. But much to my amazement (and obviously a ton of luck), the ball dropped into the hole! That set off the following events:
Me --- I ran a "victory lap" to nowhere. I don't really remember much other than I was excited and running in circles and felt like the guy in Chariots of Fire.
Eric --- "Holy @#%! I don't &$^#*% believe the *#&%)$_# ball just went into the &#$*@! hole!!!
Zolton --- "Holwee Cowl" "Holwee Cowl" "Holwee Cowl"
And to put a damper on the party...
Steve --- "I don't get it...is that something that doesn't happen very often?"
Magical Monday --- A Bag of Crap

A couple months ago, I became a fan of Woot, a website that sells electronics at very discounted prices (http://www.woot.com). It lists only 1 product per day (starting at midnight), and it gets frustrating because I don't stay up that late and if it is a "great deal", the product is sold out by the time I check first thing in the morning (some items sell out within 10 seconds!).
Every few months they have whats called a "woot off day" where they sell more than 1 product in a day at even a higher discounted price. They put on one item after another until it sells out (ranging from 2 seconds up to 1 hour). You can download a little alarm that goes off when a product sells out to warn you a new item is coming. On a "woot off day" a few months ago we were able to buy a recordable DVD player that sells on Amazon for $250 for only $35 and a leather Nike ipod case that sells on Amazon for $30 for $0.99 for 2!
All this brings me to the point of one item they sell. It's called a "Bag of Crap". Basically they are trying to clean out all the "leftovers" from items that never sold out. People have gotten boxes full of ipods, computers, big screen TV's, while others have gotten random wires and junk. A "Bag of Crap" is only $0.99 so it is worth the risk...however it sells out immediately (less than 2 seconds) cause everyone wants one. Well, last "woot off day", my alarm went off and the "Bag of Crap" showed up and I immediately hit the "buy" button and was able to get one! As I tracked the package while it was being shipped, it was taking several days as it went slowly from state to state. Well, I had visions of my shipment being on an "Oversize Load" truck with police escorts. Jen and I were excited when it finally showed up on Friday. So what was it?...check it out...
Family/Friend Friday --- The Closet
Theological Thursday --- A New President

What's Up Wednesday --- November 5th

2) These next 2 weekends are free (other than the usual Sunday School, Church, Detention Home)...and we are definitely looking forward to it as beginning in 2-weeks until the New Year we will be overwhelmingly busy and traveling. So this is our calm before the storm! I am using most of this time to prepare for a retreat I will be leading back in PA in a few weeks (I have to prepare for 4 sessions...about 2 hours each).
3) Elders meeting is tonight (I'll be heading over as soon as I get done with my test). We usually go until around 10:30 or 11:00, but I am hoping to get out early as I am tired from watching the elections last night!
4) The wedding reception for Jen's brother went really well back in PA over the weekend. I got to be the "MC" for the event (only for about a 5 minute speech), but I told his wife Kerby that as the newest member of the family, she can do these little jobs from now on!
Time Warp Tuesday --- Who Would Jesus Vote For?

Magical Monday --- The Magic of Pictures
THE 1950's

THE 1960's