Well, the elections are over and we have a new president. I am sure many of you are happy and many of you are very upset with the new choice of leaders. But as we discussed in my blog post Tuesday, leaders are only in place and only have power because God in His perfect sovereignty has allowed it (John 19:11, Romans 13:1). So it is ok to disagree with policies, ideas, etc from our new president, but to complain about the president is to complain about God. I tend to believe that God knows what He is doing and doesn't need my help! So what should we do as Christians? What we should ALWAYS do --- PRAY! (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. (James 5:16)
Can you imagine the difference we could make if we would spend as much time praying as we do complaining? And now, more than ever, we need to pray! So what should we pray for? Well, 3 things stick out in my mind:
1) President Obama --- In his heart, man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps (Proverbs 16:9). Pray for the Lord's hand to be very evident in his life. We know (based on past voting records) that he has supported things that go directly against God's Word. But we also know that God can use him in any way that pleases Him...so pray that God's glory would be known throughout our nation because of God working through Obama. Remember what God did with Saul (who later became Paul)? If not, read Acts 9 --- don't you think God could do the same to Obama if He chooses?
2) Obama's Decisions --- The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision comes from the Lord (Proverbs 16:33). Obama is currently putting together his cabinet and the men and women who will have a huge influence on him as president. Pray that he (under the sovereignty of God) would make wise godly decisions and surround himself with believers who fear the Lord. Also pray for God's truth to win out on moral issues of abortion, marriage, etc.
3) Our Decisions --- Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). Pray that Christians everywhere would get there house and life in order (from an e-mail from Jen's dad yesterday!). Pray that we would choose to trust God in all things. Pray that we would stand firm like Joshua who chose to trust in God when things got tough and the easy thing to do would be giving in with the others (Numbers 13). Pray that we would always stand for truth and not compromise.
So again, I think it is very safe to say that Obama is not the end of the world (unless that is God's plan), nor is he the perfect man. He's got a very tough road ahead of him so instead of complaining about God's choice let's unite in prayer, get our own lives in order, and be living sacrifices for Him (Romans 12:1).
Thanks...I really needed to hear that and as much as I want to and would rather complain, I agree with you.
You and dad have really made me think about MY life and the next 4 years (and my not so happy reaction tuesday night). I have had fear when I see the next president...and that worried me (surprise, I'm worried)...But after reading I feel more at ease and have reminded myself repeatedly that GOD IS IN CONTROL...no one on earth...just GOD! I agree with Dad's email as well...when God's people do not listen, we are disciplined! So...thank you for that...I will work more on praying when I want to complain!
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After the Inauguration, they are not planning 666 days of prayer are they?
I just felt impressed this morning in my devotional time to pray for President Obama and to ask the Lord to transform his life (like Paul) - for if God in his mercy and grace had not acted on my life, I may be in the exact same position as him with the same values and thoughts. I would hope God would intervene for my eternal hope if it were me in his shoes. Thanks for encouraging us to pray instead of complain. Excellent word.
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