Well, we finally have internet access at home! No more running to the library and waiting an hour to get 20-minutes of computer time. A lot has changed over the past few months and I am sure it will take several posts to get everyone up to date...but I figure the best place to start is where we are living.
Jen and I moved back just outside of my hometown of DuBois, PA. We are living in a resort area called Treasure Lake (http://www.treasurelakepoa.com/). Treasure Lake is the resort where I first got started into magic as I worked there as a magician for the time-share section of Treasure Lake from the end of high school through college.
Most of Treasure Lake has a speed limit of 25 MPH or less. One day while working I was late going from one show to the next, and I was in quite a hurry. Of all days, Treasure Lake security was hiding with their radar gun along one of the back roads and they pulled me over going 57 MPH in a 25 MPH zone. When I explained I was the resort magician and was running late for a show he asked me to show him a trick as proof. So I showed him a trick and his only response was, "follow me in your car"...no "wow", "I'm impressed", "cool trick", etc.
So I am completely paranoid as to where we are going and what he plans to do with me since I was going more than twice the speed limit! We wind our way all through the entire resort and to the security station at the entrance to Treasure Lake. We get out of our cars and walk into the security station where there were a few more guards. I waiting to see if I am going to be finger printed, arrested, or what when the guy who pulled me over says to the other guards, "Hey guys, watch this...this is the coolest trick you'll ever see...show them". I spent the next 30 minutes entertaining resort security.
There never was any further mention of my speeding...no ticket, no warnings, nothing! However, I was too late for my show and they canceled it. I probably would have been better off just getting a ticket and making it to my show. Oh well, just like everything else I was left with a story I could tell years later on my blog!
So we are very happy to be back home in western PA close to family and friends (although we certainly miss the Ohio and Hershey people)! Check back soon so I can fill you all in on our house, jobs, family updates, etc!
It's good to have you back,Mike.Looking forward to keeping up with you again.
I'm glad that we can keep updated
while we're in Myrtle Beach. I always learn something from your past that I never knew!!
Good day, sun shines!
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