Theological Thursday --- The Old Man and the Sea

What's Up Wednesday --- July 30th
2) This Friday I will be traveling to Toledo to do a magic show. The YMCA is intentionally trying to put the "C" (Christian) back into its name.
3) I will continue our series on the book of Colossians at church this Sunday. It's a great book! That phrase is an inside joke...we always laugh when a teacher or pastors says, "This is a great verse" or "This is an important part of Scripture" --- Great and important compared to what? The other verses in the Bible that aren't important???
4) That's about all going on this week. We look forward to a Saturday with nothing planned for once!
Time Warp Tuesday --- Master Hunter

Magical Monday --- My Best Trick Ever?

Family/Friend Friday --- The Moneyball

Theological Thursday --- Bounded vs. Centered

What's Up Wednesday --- July 23rd

2) There have been numerous cities and states stop by here including Las Vegas, California, Texas, Arizona, Alaska, Nashville, Kentucky, and many others.
3) I can also see how people found my blog and the #1 search that was performed was for the word "Studabubba" from one of my family/friend posts back in May.
4) There have also been a number of visits based on a search for "atheist" from a Theological Thursday post --- no idea who they were or what they were looking for, but hopefully they got something out of it. One of those searchers has stopped back several times.
5) And my all-time favorite --- someone did a google search with the exact phrase, "What can I buy with 73 cents?" and came across a Magical Monday post about me and my uncle giving away our final 73 cents. Who knows what they were really looking for???
Time Warp Tuesday --- Real Magic Part 2

Magical Monday --- Real Magic Part 1

Family/Friend Friday --- 1,000 Visits
My sister-in-law Joni (with husband Ron). I had several stories that came to mind from something funny she did playing a game to our long car ride to Kentucky for vacation, but my wife Jen suggested I share something that happened long before I knew her:
The family was sitting around the kitchen table having dinner. Joni was around 4 at the time. Out of the blue, Joni mentioned something that was going on that there would be no way that she should know anything about, so her parents questioned her on how she knew that. Her response was a very matter-of-fact, "Oh, that little girl that lives inside of my head told me". If that little girl is still there Joni, you are working at the right place! (in a mental health office).
Theological Thursday --- A Theological Case for the American Way

What's Up Wednesday --- July 16th
1) We had a great time with Jen's family last week in Gettysburg. See video above for some of the things we got to do.
2) One of my friends and neighbors here at the seminary passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly from a seizure in his sleep while we were gone. He was only 24 and was getting married next March. Please pray for his family and fiance.
3) My blog reached its 1,000th visitor! Sitemeter records all visitors, their locations, how long they stay, how they found my blog, etc. This Friday I will tell you some of the funny and unique ways people have stumbled across this blog. My reason for mentioning the 1,000th visitor --- it is someone I know and will post a story about them for Family/Friend Friday this week. Could it have been you?
Time Warp Tuesday --- The Mouse

Magical Monday --- My First PAID Show

Family/Friend Friday --- ALMOST the Perfect Mom
Theological Thursday --- What are You Missing???
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Did you look? Did you find it? I promise there is one there...
Take a look at the white area between the letter "E" and "X". See the arrow pointing to the right?
How many times do we have things placed right before us and yet we miss them? In Genesis chapter 29, Jacob (Abraham's grandson) goes on a journey and meets 2 sisters...Leah and Rachel. Jacob immediately falls in love with Rachel. The Bible tells us that Leah was, "weak in the eyes". There is a lot of debate about what "weak in the eyes" means, but we know it is not a euphemism for "ugly"...but it is explaining something that is physically different about her eyes (some scholars say delicate, some say beautiful, some say she had some type of physical condition wrong with her eyes that stood out). But one thing is clear...Jacob could look into Leah's eyes and know (based on her "weak eyes") that it was Leah.
As the story goes, Jacob agrees to work 7 years for their father in order to marry Rachel. In verse 20, we see how much he loved Rachel as the Bible said the 7 years "only seemed like a few days" because of his love for her. When his 7 years is up Jacob asked (vs. 21) not for Rachel, but for the father to bring him his wife (not a good idea since he is dealing with a family known for deceit!). So the father instead bring Leah to be his bride. Jacob marries her and doesn't realize it wasn't Rachel until after the wedding night.
So how could Jacob NOT know he was given the wrong woman? Well, consider the following ancient bridal veils...
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So when you combine the two, Leah's body and head would have been pretty much completely covered...making it difficult for the average person to make the distinction. BUT WAIT --- remember what set Leah apart? It was her eyes! So the one body part that made Leah very unique was the only part showing. It's also interesting in verse 23 that the father "waited until evening" to pull off this deception...making it more difficult in the night sky. But next time you are out at night, see what body part you can see best on those around you...it's their eyes!
So Jacob's answer was truly right in front of him, but he didn't take the time to really see what was placed before him. What do you have in your life that God has placed before you that you do not see? Don't miss the Blessings He has already given you that you just don't see!!!
As a side note...you'll never look at a FedEx truck the same way again! That arrow will be the first thing you notice from now on.
What's Up Wednesday --- July 2nd

Time Warp Tuesday --- The Shot