On Sunday my friend and former roommate Steve turns 36 (by the way he acts, he is more like 56). On a recent visit we got to watch him down 17 pills/vitamins all at the same time. I can't even do one pill without cutting it into 3rds or hiding it in my food like we used to do for my cat.
So anyways, back when we were roommates, Steve started listening to this guy named Robert Kiyosaki author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. One night Steve came home and wanted me to listen to this "free" phone program about becoming a millionaire. Of course at the end of the call after peaking your interest they gave an exclusive offer that would allow you to become the next millionaire by getting coaching, more phone conferences, seminars, books, etc for something like $3,000 (now I know where Robert gets all his money!). So Steve calls, and of course they tell him, "There's only 2 spots left you better act now!" and he does. I told him he was nuts and they say that to get you to act on impulse and of course when I called the next day just to confirm my suspicions there were still, "A few spots left if I acted now".
As part of his insane amount of money he paid to become a millionaire, he received a "moneyball". It was a little ball about the size of a hacky sack with the image of money all around the outside (pictured above). It was to be used as a motivator to make your millions.
Now, even though the Bible tells us 365 times to "fear not", we all have fears. Steve's fear happens to be toilets....especially toilet water. One Christmas when I was done with a roll of wrapping paper, I stuck the inner tube in Steve's toilet. Several days later he was using my bathroom and I found out the tube was still in his toilet and he refused to take it out cause toilet water might drip on the floor (which is VERY unacceptable).
So one day I walk into Steve's room and head toward his couch. The couch in his bedroom was the ugliest couch you could ever imagine. It was always covered with a blanket, but underneath it was a cross between puke green and pee-stained yellow. I used to joke that if he had a girl over they should sit on that couch cause nothing immoral could ever happen on that thing!
As I headed to the couch, Steve threw the moneyball at me. I just ignored it and let it travel over my shoulder and of all places, it traveled into the bathroom and landed smack in the middle of the toilet. I fished it out with the toilet brush and to Steve's horror dropped it into his sink to soak with numerous disinfectants. Ultimately though, Steve couldn't get over the fact that it touched toilet water and ended up in the trash.
That was 5 years ago. I have to believe that Steve is not a millionaire yet because he lost his motivator...The Moneyball. Last year when Jen and I were at the county fair, I was shocked when I saw "The Moneyball" as a prize at one of the games. I told Jen I had to win one for Steve to replace the old one, and thankfully it only took 2 tries, and I won the largest one! (about the size of a basketball). I presented it to him at our annual retreat in November. If the tiny one makes you millions, I can't wait to see how much Steve makes with this one! He's going to need that money for all those vitamins.
HA - and love the comment about pee-stained yellow couch with all the talk about toilet water. Wonder how he could sit on it!
I think you just solved the mystery of why he always had it covered up with a blanket!
that's a good point!
too funny!!!! I'm glad I met Steve and Amy...your stories about Steve are great!!! :) haha
Keep us posted on his "money situation"!!! haha
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