Back when I lived in Pittsburgh, I had a contract with Max and Ermas (a chain restaurant) to perform magic at the tables for 2 hours every week. Since Pittsburgh is a big place, in general every week it would be completely new customers. But there were a few faithful families who would dine there almost every week and come during my hours so they could see some magic. Because of these families, I would always be sure to carry 1 or 2 new tricks with me so I had something unique to show them each week.
Throughout my years of magic, I have always been hesitant to use invisible string (I'll tell you a story about my uncle and an invisible string tragedy one of these Mondays) because it is so unpredictable with breaks, twists, etc. I did however own what's called an "invisible thread reel" that would allow me to make small objects float.
Since the technology and genius behind making objects float has increased greatly over the past decade, the invisible thread reel is rarely used today (there is something better now called the "spider"). Because it is outdated, it is ok for me to tell you a little bit about it (to better understand this story). The reel was an electric spool pinned inside my jacket. The end of the string was inside a ball of wax which you would stick to the wall, table, chair, or pretty much anything. You could place a light object on the thread (the string runs from the ball of wax to your jacket) and with the electric spool you can cause the object to float up and down about a foot or two.
One week I decide to take my reel to Max and Ermas for some of the regulars. One of the families I was used to seeing did show up and the table next to them was empty which gave me a perfect opportunity to plant the ball of wax. So I did that and went to their table and did a card trick or two and then asked to borrow a $20 bill so I could do this floating routine.
So I hook the guys $20 bill to the string and start to make it float up and down. The family was pretty impressed...especially the kids. However, something happened next that astonished the adults (including me). The bill suddenly started to float across the restaurant all by itself! The bill floated straight down the aisle of the restaurant and people at each table watched in silent amazement as the bill floated right passed their table.
OK, you're probably thinking at this point that I must be nuts...but it really did happen! Obviously there is a logical explanation, so what happened? As I followed the line of the path the bill was floating on, I saw how this miracle was occurring...one of the waitresses who saw my ball of wax attached to the empty table thought it was trash and was carrying it across the restaurant. Once she got to the trash can on the other side, she dropped the wax in. All I had to do was run my electric reel and the bill came right back up the aisle past everyone's table again (now it is running on the floor since the wax is no longer being carried or attached to anything) and floated right back up into my hands. The entire section of the restaurant erupted in applause (and the guy let me keep the $20 as a tip).
Of course the rest of the night all I heard was, "I want to see you make that bill float across the restaurant again". Don't think so!
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