One of the perks of living on campus here in Hershey is free cable TV! However, Jen has quickly become addicted to the "Discovery Health" channel which has all kinds of programs showing surgeries, health topics, ER reality shows, etc. I am not at all a fan of the station, but I must say I was pretty entertained by one of the shows we watched the other night.
The show is called, "Mystery Diagnosis" and it is based on true stories of people coming to the hospital and the struggle for doctors to find out what is wrong with them. So in walks this 70+ year-old man and his wife to the ER. He has a history of heart problems as well as hemorrhoids and passed out trying to go to the bathroom. The doctor determines the man is constipated, gives him some laxatives and sends him home. Half hour later, the couple is back and the man passed out again going to the bathroom. All vital signs are normal so they send him back home and say he must have stood up too quickly. So the couple goes home again and a half hour later they're back...he passed out again going to the bathroom! Everything still seems to be normal so they tell him to stick around until he has to go to the bathroom again and they will monitor him.
So in about a half hour he is in the bathroom and they have him hooked up to all kinds of machines waiting for something to happen --- but nothing happens. The doctors leave the room and are discussing the situation when the man's wife comes running out screaming that it happened again. They rush in to find him passed out on the floor with a very low blood pressure. Now they suspect the wife must be trying to out him or something for insurance money and begin to question her.
The wife explains everything she does for her husband including caring for all his medical issues. She explained that the only thing she has been doing is putting on his hemorrhoid cream each time he finishes in the bathroom. When they ask to see his hemorrhoid cream, they discover the problem...for his heart condition he was prescribed nitroglycerin cream that is applied to the chest to increase blood flow to that area. She accidentally mixed that up with his hemorrhoid cream. So all this time she was putting hemorrhoid cream on his chest, and nitroglycerin cream on his rear end!
OK, so maybe it's not all that entertaining. But hey, it sure beat the episode of the liposuction Jen made me watch on the 700 pound man!
I just laughed so hard! This stuff truly happens... they could do a whole documentary on it!
"she was putting hemorrhoid cream on his chest, and nitroglycerin cream on his rear end!"
I know there is a funny comeback in here somewhere ... but I am shaking my head too much to think of one. :-0
I suppose the drug companies should start printing these various medical creams in large print for the elderly or they could go with a picture label--This cream is for..?..picture it! When gramps goes to the drug store, he just shows the tube of cream and says "I need a refill on this one, but I don't need any advise on application."
aw poor Mike! the liposuction...ick!
and wow.....I didn't see that coming. I have watched that show occasionally...I've learned stuff by watching it. I don't think I would have learned much from that episode though....
But thanks for the laugh....I laughed hard at that one...
I am just glad to hear that it all came out good in the end.
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