Well, we are starting to get settled in...we still do not have internet access in our apartment, but they gave us access to a computer in a different section of the house we are living in. Things have been very busy...we are on a 12-day straight working schedule, and with the little time we do have off it has been filled with finding new banks, Dr.'s, dentists, switching driver's license, car registrations, etc, etc, etc. The best part so far is a local golf course owned by the Hershey Company that allows me to play for free! The worst part so far has been not having any time to enjoy all the things there are to do in this area. Hopefully that should change when we get through training (we have 3 weeks left)...then you are all welcome to come out for a visit. We found out that as employees, we always get into Hershey Park for free, but we also have the benefit of getting in up to 4 guests in for free as well...so now nobody has any excuses not to come!
I don't have many stories to share yet as most of our days are spent sitting in classes. But those of you who know Jen will appreciate our trip to the park --- we took a group of 7 boys in 5th grade to a local park called the "Castle". It is an enclosed area with a lot of play areas with the little tubes you can run through, bridges, monkey bars, swings, etc, etc, etc. The boys and I decided we were going to play hide-and-seek/tag. Jen spent the next 1/2 hour constantly running around counting kids to be sure none were missing or had tried to run away...but it wasn't easy since they were all hiding! Needless to say it cause her quite a bit of stress (not sure what she had planned to do if one of them did turn up missing?!?). Pray that she survives! Other than causing herself too much stress by worrying, she is doing a great job.
Please e-mail us and/or call us (we still have the same cell numbers) and let us know what's up in your world! I'll try to blog more often, but it will be hard to do more than 1 or 2 a week over the next few weeks.
It is great to see your Blog update. Glad to hear you are settling in. After working at a Children's Home, I understand Jen's constant counting and your story brought back memories!!! :-) We would love to come visit you... so you may have some 'takers' on your invitation. PoE is this week - so you are especially missed!
Hope you are 'getting oriented' a little better by now. Hope you had a good weekend. How's the churches there?
Jerry is golfing tonight. Too bad it's not out there. Maybe we can stop when we go to babysit at the Valentines.
Hope to talk to you soon.
YAY! An update! :)
Oh I LOVE the story. I can just SEE Jen going crazy and I bet you had a GREAT time watching her! Oh I love my dear sister....we are definitely related though!!!
We will have to come visit...ONLY if you throw in the FREE park visit. Otherwise...deal's off. JUST KIDDING! :)
Hope things are what you expected and more. I'm sure once you're settled into your own home with your own kids it'll be better! We're praying for ya!
love you guys!
ps - any change to plans for July?? :)
I would have done the same thing Jen did...KEEP COUNTING! WHERE ARE THEY???
and I am continuing to pray with you!
Hi guys!
So glad to see your new posting! Good you are getting settled. I would have been counting also Jen! We continue to pray for you two and miss you. I will let the staff know your site. We just had Youth Sunday and it was great. You would have loved it.
God bless,
PoE went well this week but we missed you. Sounds like you and Jen are slowing adjusting to the new surroundings. I am sure once things get into a routine, life will slow down a bit for you. It is interesting that you just finished school and now you are back in training. I'm sure you will both do well. God bless and I look forward to the updates to come!
Mike & Jen
I just sent a email to Mike's email. Did you get it? I couldn't tell if it went through.
Sunny R.
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