
Swine Flu Update

Well, the swine flu has pretty much passed...there are only a few kids left at the health center. In all, there were probably about 150-200 kids and employees who got sick...thankfully Jen and I have remained healthy! They sent all the healthy kids home (those who had a home to go to) for a week just to make sure it didn't continue to spread. Many of them will return to campus on Sunday.

Currently there are only about 50 kids left on campus. In the house we are in every kid went home, so we are required to "remain on duty" since we are being paid, but we really aren't doing very much as we are living in a 9-bedroom place all by ourselves. I got to watch pretty much every minute of the US Open golf over the weekend as well as play some basketball, take some walks, watch some movies, etc. Today we went over to Hershey Park and plan on going again tomorrow to take a trip around the new "lazy river" in an intertube (pretty nice to get paid to do those things!)...rumor has it that because we have not been getting our regular "off time" during the day because of this flu, we will even be paid a big bonus when this is all said and done.

We found out today that the elementary division needs some extra help next week, so there will be some kids (ages 4-10) that will be moving in with us next week. We don't know how many, boys or girls, or even when they're coming yet...but it should be interesting. Jen is excited - I haven't decided whether I am yet or not (I like the older kids a little better)...but who knows...I guess if we get the bed-wetters, snotty noses, etc I'll just send them to Jen.

Thank you to those who prayed that the flu stay away from us!


Father's Day

If you met someone for the very first time and could only ask them 1 question about him/herself, what question could you ask that would tell you more about that person than any other? Where they were born? How many brothers and sisters? What kind of job they had? Although these questions may give you a little insight into their world, nothing will tell you more than the question --- what do you believe about God?

Tons of research has been done on the power of this single question...so much so that it is now a standard question on every psychological inventory...and held by many psychologists (despite their own beliefs or lack of) to be the most important piece of information they can obtain to see into that person's heart, mind, and soul. And, as research shows, what people believe about God and His love often reflects (for the good or bad) the relationship they have/had with their Earthly father.

All these years and years of research to come to these conclusions could easily be found in the Bible written thousands of years ago in Psalm 145:4 --- One generation shall praise thy works to another. With this new job this has become even more clear...the negative effects of an absent father. That is why I love my dad so much and appreciate that he has ALWAYS been there for me whether sporting events, magic shows, school productions, whatever...he was always there! It really didn't matter one bit what he said or any mistakes that he made as a father (which are never remembered anyway), just that he was there. Anytime I look back on my childhood and think of dad, that is all I remember --- him always being there! I don't remember many bad times, I don't remember being yelled at much (of course that was reserved for my brother who made me look like an angel!), I just remember that no matter what, dad was always there.

And as both research and the Bible shows, this has had a HUGE impact on my spiritual life. How have I always viewed God since I've become a Christian? I know God as my Heavenly Father who is always there. That is thanks to my dad who taught me that is what a father is all about...being there. If you've had an absent father, God can certainly help anyone overcome any misconceptions about Him (I've seen that happen over and over...even in my dad's life since my grandpa wasn't always present in his life), and today I thank God for giving me a father that has taught me so much --- especially the importance of just being there for my own kids someday and as the Bible tells us, that legacy can be handed down from generation to generation.

Happy Father's Day!



AMMEDED UPDATE (5:35 PM) --- Some of the flu cases on campus have been confirmed as the swine flu.

Not much is new on the "flu front". Of the 1800 students here, about 1700 of them have been sent off campus (the ones that weren't sick or have recovered). They still have not gotten word from the state whether or not it is swine flu (which they expect it will be), but in either case, the good news is all students have been responding well to treatment, and have been able to remain at the health center for recovery...none have been sent to the Milton Hershey Medical Center...so if it is swine flu it is a much weaker strain than the one going through Mexico several months ago.

Jen and I have been told to stay in our apartment until further notice. The current plan is to begin bringing kids back June 28th (depends on the remaining sick kids recovery time). So we are a little unsure what we will be doing for the next week and a half. But it has given us time to catch up on a lot of stuff! I have lots of pictures and videos of Milton Hershey School that I will start to share so you all can get a little glimpse of what this place is like.

Today I'll show you are living arrangements. We are currently living in an old farmhouse (built in 1783!) that is considered a "training apartment". Since we have been permanently assigned now, we will be moving into a regular house sometime next month. In the video, you will see the HUGE difference between where we live now, and the brand new $4 million dollar home we are about to move into. Here they are...


State of Emergency

The last few days have been crazy! The health center on campus had 1 person on Tuesday with flu-like symptoms. Wednesday it rose to 7, Thursday to 20, Friday to 40, and by Saturday it rose to 80 as they were restricting graduation to seniors and parents only (usually all staff and high school kids attend) as well as canceled chapel. By Sunday it went to 100 and we all received an emergency message that school was canceled for the remainder of the year (there was 1 week left) and that students were to vacate campus as soon as possible.
So we have been working hard finding places for kids to go...it is really difficult for those who are under the care of the state (social case worker) they are from and have no family. Some of the student homes that were empty have turned into overflow for the health center. They have confirmed that there are cases of type A flu...they will find out today or tomorrow if it is swine flu (and based on the syptoms and what they are seeing they say it is "highly probable" that it is swine flu).
Jen and I are currently in a home where both the regular houseparents are sick with the flu and of the 2 girls still here, 1 of them has been sick. They are both supposed to board buses today at 11:00 as long as the one that has been sick doesn't have a temperature. Please pray God protects us from illness!


Our Assignment

We are very thankful that we have been assigned to a permanent position already! Our training class was told to be prepared to fill-in for regular houseparents while they took their vacation days for the next year...which would have meant we would be sleeping in different beds every night, not knowing where we would end up the following day, and not really getting to know the kids very well. We found out (first in our training class and even ahead of some of the prior training classes from January and October) we will be assigned to middle school girls starting August 1st, the first day of school (although we will be permanently assigned on June 19th as summer runs a little different around here).
Jen and I came here with a unique philosophy --- It's not the good kids who need us, it's the "bad" ones. So early on in training, we asked our trainers to put us in the most challenging house on campus. Next thing we knew we were in a girls home that was out of control...and in need of someone to get it under control. We both loved it there (kept us on our toes!), and we have been filling in that home for the most part of the past 2 weeks. Our assignment is to rotate through a quad (4 homes) --- in what they consider the most challenging quad on campus (so pray for us!). The girls really are great girls who sometimes happen to make bad decisions, and need someone to care for them and teach them.
Over the past 2 weeks we have seen drastic changes in the home...even our trainers and bosses have noted that it was the best they've ever seen this house and gave us great evaluations. We have gone a long way by connecting with the "leaders" in the home (through magic tricks, 1-on-1 conversations, and just listening to them), by centering devotions around struggles they are going through, and most importantly by praying for wisdom and relying on God (we'd never be able to do this without Him!!!).
So I have many funny stories (I could start a whole new blog!) about the girls and things that have happened. I will do my best to post more often, but our schedule and not having Internet in our home yet makes it hard. We will be moving into our new home sometime next month. Our home will be a new $4 million dollar home and is unbelievable! Jen's parents were in town today and we took them on a tour and took lots of video so I will be sure to get that up soon. Hope everyone is doing well!


Jen's Birthday

Today is Jen's birthday! Unfortunately we have to work all day, but I'll look for several small ways throughout the day to make it special for her. This year I got her a gift certificate to the Hershey Spa at the Hershey Hotel where she can choose from a chocolate massage, a relaxing cocoa bath, and all kinds of other Hershey themed spa services.

She is doing a GREAT job as a houseparent. The other day she asked one of the students we were with to wash all the kitchen cabinets and he started crying. I kept my eye on them as they talked in the office and she made him feel better...and still made him clean the kitchen cabinets (she doesn't let them get away with anything!).

Our bosses here have also been impressed with Jen as we have been given 3 great reviews by them so far and have been told over and over that the other houseparents keep requesting us to come in to their homes and fill in (of course the kids love the magic tricks too!). And we were just given a permanent assignment last week (first couple in our training class!) and will be working with the middle school girls. I'll tell you more about that later this week.

So happy birthday Jen...I LOVE YOU! Feel free to add your birthday wishes to her in the comment box.