Swine Flu Update

Father's Day

AMMEDED UPDATE (5:35 PM) --- Some of the flu cases on campus have been confirmed as the swine flu.
Not much is new on the "flu front". Of the 1800 students here, about 1700 of them have been sent off campus (the ones that weren't sick or have recovered). They still have not gotten word from the state whether or not it is swine flu (which they expect it will be), but in either case, the good news is all students have been responding well to treatment, and have been able to remain at the health center for recovery...none have been sent to the Milton Hershey Medical Center...so if it is swine flu it is a much weaker strain than the one going through Mexico several months ago.
Jen and I have been told to stay in our apartment until further notice. The current plan is to begin bringing kids back June 28th (depends on the remaining sick kids recovery time). So we are a little unsure what we will be doing for the next week and a half. But it has given us time to catch up on a lot of stuff! I have lots of pictures and videos of Milton Hershey School that I will start to share so you all can get a little glimpse of what this place is like.
Today I'll show you are living arrangements. We are currently living in an old farmhouse (built in 1783!) that is considered a "training apartment". Since we have been permanently assigned now, we will be moving into a regular house sometime next month. In the video, you will see the HUGE difference between where we live now, and the brand new $4 million dollar home we are about to move into. Here they are...
State of Emergency
So we have been working hard finding places for kids to go...it is really difficult for those who are under the care of the state (social case worker) they are from and have no family. Some of the student homes that were empty have turned into overflow for the health center. They have confirmed that there are cases of type A flu...they will find out today or tomorrow if it is swine flu (and based on the syptoms and what they are seeing they say it is "highly probable" that it is swine flu).
Jen and I are currently in a home where both the regular houseparents are sick with the flu and of the 2 girls still here, 1 of them has been sick. They are both supposed to board buses today at 11:00 as long as the one that has been sick doesn't have a temperature. Please pray God protects us from illness!
Our Assignment

Jen and I came here with a unique philosophy --- It's not the good kids who need us, it's the "bad" ones. So early on in training, we asked our trainers to put us in the most challenging house on campus. Next thing we knew we were in a girls home that was out of control...and in need of someone to get it under control. We both loved it there (kept us on our toes!), and we have been filling in that home for the most part of the past 2 weeks. Our assignment is to rotate through a quad (4 homes) --- in what they consider the most challenging quad on campus (so pray for us!). The girls really are great girls who sometimes happen to make bad decisions, and need someone to care for them and teach them.
Over the past 2 weeks we have seen drastic changes in the home...even our trainers and bosses have noted that it was the best they've ever seen this house and gave us great evaluations. We have gone a long way by connecting with the "leaders" in the home (through magic tricks, 1-on-1 conversations, and just listening to them), by centering devotions around struggles they are going through, and most importantly by praying for wisdom and relying on God (we'd never be able to do this without Him!!!).
So I have many funny stories (I could start a whole new blog!) about the girls and things that have happened. I will do my best to post more often, but our schedule and not having Internet in our home yet makes it hard. We will be moving into our new home sometime next month. Our home will be a new $4 million dollar home and is unbelievable! Jen's parents were in town today and we took them on a tour and took lots of video so I will be sure to get that up soon. Hope everyone is doing well!
Jen's Birthday