Today is Jen's birthday! Unfortunately we have to work all day, but I'll look for several small ways throughout the day to make it special for her. This year I got her a gift certificate to the Hershey Spa at the Hershey Hotel where she can choose from a chocolate massage, a relaxing cocoa bath, and all kinds of other Hershey themed spa services.
She is doing a GREAT job as a houseparent. The other day she asked one of the students we were with to wash all the kitchen cabinets and he started crying. I kept my eye on them as they talked in the office and she made him feel better...and still made him clean the kitchen cabinets (she doesn't let them get away with anything!).
Our bosses here have also been impressed with Jen as we have been given 3 great reviews by them so far and have been told over and over that the other houseparents keep requesting us to come in to their homes and fill in (of course the kids love the magic tricks too!). And we were just given a permanent assignment last week (first couple in our training class!) and will be working with the middle school girls. I'll tell you more about that later this week.
So happy birthday Jen...I LOVE YOU! Feel free to add your birthday wishes to her in the comment box.
Happy Birthday Jen! I hope you got my phone message :) How special to honor Jen like that - I know she'll enjoy her gift as well :) Mike - you did a wonderful job.
How exciting to hear of your placement and with the group you desired! I can't wait to hear more details. I know God will bless the work of your hands because you do care for the kids well and your hearts are with them. I"ll keep praying. and I hope your day is a blessing, Jen! You are such a blessing to us! Love you!
Congrats on the placement. God has proven again that he will bless when we follow!
Also, Happy Birthday Jen!
Love yuns
Dad n Mom
Happy birthday Jen! (Your card is on the way..sorry!)
Congratulations to you both in your placement! That has to be exciting!
love you!
Can't wait to hear more about it soon. I'm sure you are one of the top ones. We'll keep praying for patience, knowledge and energy. Getting a house should help some. At least you can sleep in the same bed every night!
(Sorry I'm just getting to the computer.) 0ur days have been BUSY but fun.
See you soon.
Love, Mom
so happy for the placement
I so enjoy praying for you both!!
Happy B-day Jen!
Happy Birthday Jen,
I knew you and Mike would do a great job with the kids! I know you will be a big influence in their lives.
Connie and John
See you soon.
Happy Birthday, Jen. I know you and Mike will be a huge blessing in the lives of the kids you encounter.
Happy Birthday, Jen.
I knew you two would excel.The kids you have will be blessed,as you will too.
We're all praying for you back @ ACCHD.
Sunny R. made the above comment.I don't know why my comments come up anonymous. Maybe I'm a nobody!I'll try again.
I hope you had an enjoyable Birthday. It sound like you had fun, but I am a chocolate lover!!
The kids are so lucky to have you as part of their lives!!! What a blessing you two are. We miss you!
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