Well, the swine flu has pretty much passed...there are only a few kids left at the health center. In all, there were probably about 150-200 kids and employees who got sick...thankfully Jen and I have remained healthy! They sent all the healthy kids home (those who had a home to go to) for a week just to make sure it didn't continue to spread. Many of them will return to campus on Sunday.
Currently there are only about 50 kids left on campus. In the house we are in every kid went home, so we are required to "remain on duty" since we are being paid, but we really aren't doing very much as we are living in a 9-bedroom place all by ourselves. I got to watch pretty much every minute of the US Open golf over the weekend as well as play some basketball, take some walks, watch some movies, etc. Today we went over to Hershey Park and plan on going again tomorrow to take a trip around the new "lazy river" in an intertube (pretty nice to get paid to do those things!)...rumor has it that because we have not been getting our regular "off time" during the day because of this flu, we will even be paid a big bonus when this is all said and done.
We found out today that the elementary division needs some extra help next week, so there will be some kids (ages 4-10) that will be moving in with us next week. We don't know how many, boys or girls, or even when they're coming yet...but it should be interesting. Jen is excited - I haven't decided whether I am yet or not (I like the older kids a little better)...but who knows...I guess if we get the bed-wetters, snotty noses, etc I'll just send them to Jen.
Thank you to those who prayed that the flu stay away from us!
and STILL praying you do not catch anything!! :-)
that group will be interesting. Did you get the grass mowed?
No...grass isn't very high yet. Yesterday they sprayed weed killer all over the place --- any thoughts on how soon it is ok to mow after that?
The weed killer will dry and work in a couple hours. You could mow the next day or later. I sometimes spot spray as I mow. It depends on what they sprayed but usually dries in 15 minutes and good if it rains that day even.
glad things improved! and yes...send the munchkins to ms. jen! :) haha
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