
Busy Week

Last weekend we went to DuBois to celebrate my grandma's birthday (April), Zach's birthday (May), Brady's birthday (June), Father's Day (June), and my mom's birthday (July). We took the adults out to a steak dinner, and the kids picked out a video game at their favorite store.

When we returned to campus, we were changed to elementary division for 1 week (due to flu restrictions which finally seem to be under control). So we spent the week with 4 boys...all in 4th grade. We had water balloon fights (Monday night), Home Run Derby contests (Tuesday night), Hershey Waterpark Trip (Wednesday night), kickball game and picnic with other homes (Thursday night), and lots of fun! They sent 2 couples to us throughout the week from the new training class to shadow us and learn from us...which is strange since we still don't really know what we're doing quite yet.

Also this week, Jen's sister and family came for a visit and we went to Hershey Park. We were only able to spend a few hours with them during our off time, but we enjoyed seeing them as always, and had a great time.


Janet and Jerry said...

Since the 3 munchins are all different heights for different rides I'll bet that was a treat!

Janet said...

Happy birthday to everyone!

Wow, you guys have been busy. You are going to be able to be tour guides at Hershey Park!

It looks like it was REALLY hot!

Dana's kids are sure growing! They are so cute. But how did you get them to agree on a video game for all of them????

Can't wait to see you.
Have a safe trip

Magic Mike said...

They each picked out their own video game...although Brady was more interested in what Zach was getting than his own choice (probably making sure he got something that he wanted to play too)

Unknown said...

Wow Dana's kids are growing and are adorable! my goodness!!! Happy birthday everyone!!!!!!!!!!! phew!

The 3 Valentine munchkins are funny! it does look hot....I love that Caleb's hat is on sideways! haha :) did Uncle Mike do that???

Glad you get to see them now....

Looks like you had your hands full with the 4 boys...look like a bunch of characters...but sounds like you had fun!!!! I bet they loved it all!!!

looking forward to seeing you guys!

Janet said...

I keep coming back to look at all three pictures. They are all such CUTE faces!