
Media Monday --- Sanctity of Human Life

Last week was "Sanctity of Human Life"...of course it was way overshadowed by the presidential inauguration, so if you didn't acknowledge this day at your church last Sunday you probably wouldn't even know it was here and gone. It is a day to mourn the death of all the lives lost to abortion (now over 40 million), pray for the future decisions that will be made by our leaders, and probably what gets pushed back but should be just as important --- to celebrate all those who chose to give life when it was unexpected and wasn't the easiest or most convenient choice (rare these days!).
There was a VERY powerful video created this year for this day (published below). It will go through many of the Scriptures and reasons to choose life, but come on...it's common sense! Here is what really gets me --- the vast majority of our country is against "Partial Birth Abortion" (unfortunately our new president isn't one of them)...which basically means they believe abortion should be illegal after a certain amount of time (usually 20 weeks). So my question is this...what happens at 20 weeks? A baby at 19 weeks and 6 days is ok to destroy, but if they did it the very next day it would be considered murder and wrong? What happened overnight??? I mean come on...don't insult common sense...you are either for the destruction of the unborn, or your not. Calling it a "choice" is just as much as an insult as well...what "choice" did the baby make (or the father as far as that is concerned)?
I often wonder what this generation will look like as people look back 100's of years from now. I know we look back just at our own country and are appalled that we actually had slavery. Then came the oppression of women and minorities. Do these things even compare to the murder of 40 million helpless victims? I think 200 years from now, people will look back in disbelief and see us as FAR worse than any other generation because we view this as a reasonable option. We would rather follow the gods of convenience, of "I'm not married", of "I can't afford this", of "This isn't what I planned", etc, etc, etc rather than the God who is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
One last rant about the "choice"...you always hear the argument, "What about those who became pregnant as the result of rape or incest"? If you don't know, if someone gets pregnant as a result of incest they have a much greater chance that the baby will be born with physical and/or mental handicaps. So I guess the "choice crowd" feels that someone who may be born with handicaps should be an automatic abortion. Even if it were a 100% guarentee, since when did being "handicapped" make you less of a person...so much so that you don't even deserve life? What is our country coming to that we would even suggest this as a valid argument?
Keep praying for the unborn and our leaders and that God would do a mighty work in this area. And all those of you who chose to give life...praise the Lord! Enjoy the video and feel free to post your thoughts, tell me I am nuts, whatever! Sorry for such a long post...I'll keep them shorter in the future!



Anonymous said...

Mike, I love your passion for this here. It brings me to tears whenever I think of it in a concentrated way... When we had our 16 week ultrasound and they could see the tiniest details of every major organ - the heart the size of the tip of your pinky yet beating, the spine, the face, the gender, and we could even see the fingers of our baby... it's just so sad. (My friend had a specialized ultrasound at 8 weeks and they found a heartbeat.) Simply amazing... one of God's unimaginable miracles that always baffles my mind is the creation of a child... how sad that because people can't "see" the baby they think it doesn't exist. Perhaps not too far from how we live in relation to God at times... doing things forgetting that he's watching and craving our attention. - anyway - my friend posted the FOCA site on her blog yesterday - perhaps you want to get involved with this if you haven't already?? (http://www.fightfoca.com/)

AND Perhaps this should've been an e-mail instead of a "comment" I guess a longer post gets a longer comment :)

Another extra:

Anonymous said...

You beat me to it. I wanted to post the video last Sunday, but (as you know) it took some time to find the video on youtube. You did a great job in the post with your arguements...the pro-choice arguements just don't make sense. And what about this stuff about funding international abortions with our tax money...sickening!

I hope you are right about future generations looking back in disbelief. It gives me hope to think about what you said - about slavery, etc. once prevalent, now abolished, and I pray abortions are someday abolished too. We need to keep praying!

This video brings me to tears each time I see it because each "little baby" miracle is so beautiful and precious and amazing - far beyond our comprehension! And also I was thinking of our new little baby niece or nephew, too :)

Unknown said...

That was always my argument too - just b/c a rape or incest happens...the baby is still a human no matter the size. Like Julie said - since you can't see the baby..it's like they don't exist. It, too, breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes when I think about abortions and such. I look forward to the day when Ron and I can see our own child (obviously not anytime soon!)- what a wonderful and precious thing to experience!!

not to take away from it all...but...what's your exciting news? you said monday...hmmm... :) doesn't really fit with the post I know. :)