
Our Daily Schedule

Here is our basic daily schedule now...you will see that if we get off schedule by 5 minutes it can really disrupt everything! (as we have already found out)...
5:00 - WAKE UP! Jen heads to make breakfast and I get ready.
6:00 - Wake up for the kids
6:10 - Kids have to be dressed and at the breakfast table
6:10 - 6:20 - Breakfast
6:20 - 6:23 - Medication for those who need it
6:23 - Bag check for students leaving on activity bus (band, choir, etc)
6:25 - Activity bus students leave
6:25 - 7:00 - Chores...when you have 12 middle school kids all doing chores at the same time, "controlled chaos" might be a more appropriate name
7:05 - Bag check for students leaving on overflow bus (because our van only hold 9 kids)
7:10 - Overflow bus leaves
7:20 - Bag check for students leaving in the van
7:25 - Van leaves for school (I drive...Jen stays behind and checks chores and bedrooms)
7:45 - 3:15 - School for the kids
8:00 - 8:30 - Administrative Time (forms, budgets, food ordering, etc)
8:30 - 11:30 (Mon. Wed.) - Meetings and/or training
8:30 - 11:30 (Tues. Thurs. Fri.) - Free Time A.K.A Nap Time
11:30 - 2:00 - Free Time for us
2:00 - 3:00 - Administrative Time (check e-mails, budget sheets, etc)
3:00 - 3:15 - Drive to pick up students
3:15 - 3:30 - Drive students home
3:30 - 4:30 - Students on detention or restrictions do extra chores
3:30 - 4:30 - Students on "homework club" (failure to complete homework sent by e-mail from teacher) has an extra study hour
4:30 - 5:30 - Free Time (Jen cooks dinner with the "chef" for that week and I play outside with the kids)
5:30 - 6:15 - Dinner
6:15 - 6:30 - Prayer and Devotions
6:30 - 6:35 - Magic Trick
6:35 - 7:00 - Dinner Clean-up
7:00 - 8:10 - Study Time and shower time (in groups of 3...each has 15 minutes)
8:10 - 8:15 - Medication for those who need it
8:15 - Bedtime for those on the lowest behavior levels
8:30 - 8:40 - Snack
8:45 - Bed Time for those on the middle behavior levels
9:00 - Bed Time for those on the highest behavior levels
9:00 - 9:30 - Administrative Time (daily notes, behavior charts, etc)...also walking the halls to make sure the kids are asleep
10:00 - Bedtime for us
5:00 - WAKE UP!
***Also included in the entire schedule for all 24 hours with the middle school girls --- DRAMA CONTROL


Jen said...

And also thrown into that mix is: trying to always have supervision for 12 students coming and going yet allowing them to have a little bit of privacy...constant teaching as arises...deciding on appropriate consequences for poor choices/behavior if necessary...knowing where/what the other houseparent is dealing with and communicating that to each other...and lastly, trying to figure out where everything is stored throughout the house and taking a best guess on directions for cooking some of the prepackaged or bulk food items that do not come with normal directions sometimes none at all (such as last night's pudding mix which needed to be broken down into a 1/3 of a big bag for the right number of servings). Amazingly, so far, we have had a pretty good 1st week.

Dad and Mom said...

Keep it up. As you progress things will get easier.
Just remember my advice "Just as a first year teacher, be hard, strict and forceful at first. You can always let up alittle as time goes on, but never be able to get tougher as time goes on. First impressions STICK!"
You guys will be fine, I like the 5 minute magic trick. What happens when you get your own group. That will have to be a once a week trick or Mike will run out of tricks. he he he

love yuns

Mom said...

Praying for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHEWWWWW!!!! I'm tired reading it.
Love you both-

Julie said...

Naps are nice aren't they? :)

Glad to have specific understanding of your day! Thanks for sharing. :)

Unknown said...

WOW! I'm exhausted reading that alone! Phew!

And yes...Magic tricks should be on Saturdays or something...or you better use your NAP TIME for MAGIC TRICK TIME to learn more! :)

I bet the kids will love you guys...but definitely take the TEACHER'S advice...I'm sure it'll work better than being nice then have to get mean and not work!

love you guys and thanks for the run down...that helps understand the chaos you are going thru! We're praying for you!!!