Well, I started this about 9 months ago to keep family and friends updated and share some stories from the past and videos from the present. As we begin a new year, I need help with the future of this blog --- I need to know what family and friends want to to write about, not write about, how often to blog, etc, etc, etc. So I'll take the next few weeks off and come up with a plan for 2009. So please put all suggestions in the comment box. Some possibilities:
Media Monday --- stuff going on in the world and thought/discussions on it
Funny Friday --- some of my favorite joke and funny videos
Who's Who Wednesday --- interviews with some of my family and friends so you can get to know them better
None of these have been decided yet, which is why I need your suggestions! Until I start blogging again in 2009...Let me know what you want to hear about...
I like your suggestions. How about giving us an easy magic trick from time to time? Something easy we can do to fool our friends!
I also like your suggestions and to go along with Jeff's idea, how about showing us how you do a couple balloon animals so we can share them with the kids and grandkids.
Keep the blogs coming. It has been a joy reading them. How about "Thoughtful Thursday" possibly consisting of quotes, sayings, or scriptures that give us something to ponder on. Stay strong on the narrow road. You are a faithful servant!
How refreshing to come across your site after clicking on blog after blog. I love it and share your values. May God bless you in your calling.
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