Last week during my magic show, my sound system decided to die. Fortunately the place I was performing had its own system I could plug into, but I knew my upcoming show over the weekend did not have its own and I needed to get one. So Thursday night I went to our local music shop and did some wheelin and dealin and traded my broken system (which he will attempt to repair) for smaller one at a discounted price. While I was trying my stuff out at the shop in the new system, I realized that I had the wrong adapter for my microphone system (it was giving it too much power) and needed to get a new one of those too...but the music shop did not have any.
So Friday I headed over to Radio Shack for a new adapter. The salesman looked over everything they had and wasn't completely sure which adapter would fit. He ended with, "Well, I am pretty sure this one might work...you can take it home and try it and if not, bring it back". Well, I had to leave that night for a show and didn't have time to mess around so I asked if I could bring all my stuff into the store to try it out there and if it worked I'd buy it, and if not I would look somewhere else or try and different one. He agreed.
So I lugged all my stuff in and set it up, and the adapter worked perfectly! Then I had to take down all my equipment and take it out to the car. During this process, I am not sure if the salesman was done for the day, went on break, or was in the back...but in any case he wasn't around anymore. I took the adapter I had tried up to the new salesman at the check-out to pay for it. He took a look at it and said, "Oh, this is an open product...you get it for 1/2 price". I explained that I was the one who opened it just to try and make sure it worked and that I said I would buy it full price if it did. He responded, "Our policy says if the box is open at check-out we can only charge 1/2 price". So I got a pretty good deal.
Now I'm thinking...we could really use a big screen TV. I think we'll go to Radio Shack, but we better open it up in the store first and try it out there to be sure it works before we lug that thing home!
Good idea!!!! Maybe you want to take a group with you and get everything you need. he he he
You want 2 TVs right? You'll need our help!!
And just for the record...that's a dumb policy b/c then everyone that knows that is going to go around opening things before they buy them. HELLO!?!?!? Good 'ol Radio Shack!
did you take this picture or did you find it? that'd be pretty funny if you took a picture while you were there. :) hehe
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