When I was 13, I knew exactly what I wanted to save money for --- a Go Kart. My friend Mark had one, and we were tired of taking turns and wanted to ride the trails together! So for the Christmas of 1988, all I wanted was money. I had it set in mind that if someone bought me a gift that year I would return it to add the cash to my Go Kart fund. I had it all figured out that I could save every penny I made (including asking for money rather than chocolate when Easter rolled around) and have my Go Kart by my birthday the following summer.
Every year for Christmas Eve we went to my aunt's house in Punxsy. I was thrilled when I got money from some aunts, uncles, and grandparents....and no presents. It was exactly what I was hoping for! When we returned home that evening, I opened the door to find a Go Kart sitting on our living room floor! My dad was able to buy a used one, which ended up being a wise thing as I would run that thing through mud, snow, over jumps, through puddles, etc.
On Christmas Day, I got Mark and we rode through the snow and on the trails behind our house for a good part of the day, and I loved it! The trail behind our houses was probably 1/4 mile long, so it wasn't long before we got bored with it began venturing out through the alleys, roads, etc. We would ride about 3 miles up the alleys to the elementary school --- until one day a policeman pulled us over and said if he caught us again he would fine us and take our Go Karts away! In any case, this was my favorite childhood gift and served me well until I turned 16 and upgraded to a car.
WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE CHILDHOOD GIFT? (Add it to the comment section).
A Huge red delicious apple and large orange in my stocking. Normally we always just had the apples from our tree that weren't as big or good.
The best present was a pair of shoes I had seen and fallen in love with!!!
My how time changes.
What a great story!
My best gift was a bright orange 5-speed bike with a black banana seat, center-mounted shifter and chrome fenders.
I was about 10 years old, and to this day it is the best Christmas gift I ever received.
the stocking stuffers and cereal and such that santa brought us. and the basketball hoop for the driveway.
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