In Revelation 21:1 the Apostle John gets to see a glimpse of the New Heaven and the New Earth. Of all the things John could tell us about heaven, it is interesting that in verse 2 (one of his first observations about heaven) is that, "The sea was no more".
I believe to understand this, you have to know the context in which John is writing. He has been in exile on the tiny island of Patmos (only about 10 square miles in size)...surrounded by the sea. Imagine what it would have been like for someone like John, who had a passion and a heart for Christ, waking up day after day and being surrounded by and seeing nothing but the sea. I am sure he would prefer to be like Paul, Peter, etc going on journeys and preaching the Gospel. But God called him here and that sea probably became like prison walls to him.
With that in mind, it is so much more powerful to hear one of John's first observations about heaven..."THE SEA IS NO MORE!!!" YEAH!!! That means a lot for us...with our first taste of heaven (after being awed by the glory of God), we will realize the thing(s) that hold us bondage on Earth, will be no more. What is the first thing you will say about heaven? "My allergies are no more", "My taxes are no more", "My cancer is no more"?
What a great promise to know that the old things pass away and one day those of us who have accepted Christ as our Savior will all proclaim, "My (you fill in the blank) is no more!!!"
Shortly after I moved to Pittsburgh in 1998, I was picked up by an entertainment agent who booked the majority of my shows. In the fall that year, I was asked to do a show for a birthday party for the daugher of John Smiley, a former MLB pitcher, All-Star, and Pirate. He had just completed his final season with the Indians, but still lived with his family in Pittsburgh.
As we spoke on the phone, he said his father-in-law HATED magicians and asked if there was a way I could really fool him. So about a week before the show, I sent him an Ace of Spades from an extra card deck and told him to find a way to sneak it into his father-in-law's wallet.
When I arrived at the show, John confirmed that he was able to secretly place the card in the wallet. John's daughter at the time was only turning 6, so the show I was doing was more of a "fun comedy" show rather than serious magic. So after I set up for the show, I asked the adults if I could share a new trick with them. The father-in-law declined to come over (after all, he HATED magicians), so we moved over to where he was sitting. I forced an Ace of Spades (meaning I "made" that person choose that particular card using slight-of-hand) on one of the adults. They mixed it back in the deck and I stated I could make it re-appear anywhere in the room that I wanted. For the first time, I stated, I would attempt to have it appear in someone's wallet.
I couldn't ask for anything better when the father-in-law responded, "You set someone up to go in with you on this trick". All I had to do was say, "OK, I'll use you then, because we haven't set anything up, right?" He responded, "If that card ends up in my wallet, you can have all the money that is in there!"
Well, John and I were the only two people in on the secret, so all the adults were floored when he opened the wallet and there was the Ace of Spades! The father-in-law insisted I take the $50 he had in the wallet as he had promised. I've received many tips around and above that amount, but I called this post "The Big Tip" because on my way out after the show, John Smiley wrote a check for the price of the show plus an extra $500 as a tip for getting his father-in-law!
The best part of the day --- when the show eventually started, the father-in-law turned into a kid again and became just as excited and drawn into the show as the children.
Ashland University (who is my employer even through I work for the seminary) always seems to be giving away prizes and drawings for employees...baseball tickets, football tickets, concerts, etc. So imagine how happy we were able to make Joni and Ron (Jen's sister and brother-in-law) when we called and told them we won and all expense paid trip to Hawaii for four as well as $1000.00 spending money for the trip.
About 10 minutes into the conversation, they were practically packed and ready to go when we reminded them that it was April 1st and only a joke. Have a great weekend!
I am excited to get back to the detention home this Sunday and spend time with the kids and do the church service. Pray especially for Tyler who ever week mentions he is losing hope. He has been there for several months and for the past 3 months none of his family has come to visit him even though they all live in town.
This is Steve. We were roommates in Pittsburgh from 1999-2002. I am sure he will be popping up quite often on Family/Friend Friday as I have plenty of stories to tell...especially the one about the Philippian Tubes (which he hates when I tell)...but I'll save that one for another time.
Let me start off by saying Steve is very careful when it comes to money (I wouldn't say "cheap" as he does spend a lot, but he definitely knows where every single penny of his goes). So if his restaurant bill would be off by 18 cents, you knew he would make it known and make sure it was made right.
Secondly, Steve and I each had our own couch. They were in an "L" shape in our living room, and many evenings we would each be laying on our own couch watching TV, and deciding whether we would eat pizza or cereal that night for dinner.
So here we were one night laying on our couches. I am watching TV and Steve is opening his mail. He opens his cell phone bill and realizes it is off by over $100! Of course this sent him into hyperventilation and a near nervous breakdown. Of course I had to add a little fuel to the fire during the commercials and egg him on a little --- "You need to get in your car and drive to Verizon right now!", "They think you're a fool!", "Think of how many starving little children you could feed with that money!", etc.
Of course once he gathered up all his evidence he was going to make the phone call and make his case. I was still laying on the couch watching TV when all the sudden something strange happened...the channel kept mysteriously changing!?! Turns out in his delirious state, Steve was trying to call Verizon on my TV remote control.
By the way Steve...you still owe me 3 cents for the battery power you drained from my remote that night. Have a great weekend everyone! See you Monday.
So one year we decided to spend a week together in Pennsylvania doing volunteer shows for the hospital, nursing homes, youth groups, etc. We had a show scheduled every day of the week. At one of the nursing homes, they brought all the residents into the community room in their wheelchairs. We performed for them for about 45 minutes. In the very front row, an older lady caught my eye. Throughout the entire show she was in a dead sleep...snoring away. Not once did she open her eyes.
At the end of the show, we walked around to greet people, thank them for coming, etc. As I was going down the line, I noticed the woman who had been sleeping the entire time was now awake. When I got to her, she grabbed my hand, pulled me close, and remarked, "THAT WAS THE GREATEST SHOW I HAD EVER SEEN!" (must have been quite a dream).
If only all audiences were like that...(stayed tuned for next week hahaha)
So as we were about to leave, Jen saw what I had done and started to laugh, thinking it was really funny. I removed the screwdriver and put it back as there is no way I would ever endure the pain that this could potentially bring!
Well, later that week, Jen thought it would be funny to put the screwdriver back into place in the crease of the chair and thought I would see it and laugh. Later that day I was reading on the couch and heard a SCREAM in the computer room. Turns out she forgot she had put the screwdriver back and really did sit on it. All was well with the exception of an "end-of-the-screwdriver" sized hole in the seat of her pants!