Back when I was in 3rd grade (or somewhere around there) I was sled riding with my brother and sister across the street at my grandma's house. After I went down the hill, I felt a strong pain in my mouth and went running home. To this day, I have no idea what happened, but when I got in the house there was blood everywhere! We went into the bathroom and started to wash my mouth out and realized that one of my permanent teeth had somehow been knocked out. My mom called the dentist and he said to come over right away and bring the tooth if we could find it. My brother and sister were able to follow the trail of blood and find the tooth.
At the dentist, I got the tooth stitched back into place and cemented to another tooth in a several hour procedure the dentist had never attempted before. Afterward he told me how brave I was and how well I had done and that he wished he had a medal to give me. Little did he know what was to come...
A few months later I was with a friend in K-Mart. We were playing around in the toy aisle and I ran face first into one of the shelves. The tooth split right in half! My parents were out of town, so my aunt Mary Lou and grandma had to take me back to the dentist. The dentist looked and said he would need to pull it out completely. I guess I had enough of the dentist, cause as soon as he said that I jumped straight out of that chair, and out the door I went!
It took everyone quite a while to convince me to come back in, and throughout that visit I was everything but a model patient! Any ways, to this day, I have 1 less tooth than everyone else.
ok how mqny times have I looked you straight in the eye & never noticed you had one less toothe?
interesting...never knew that...
so that tooth is completely gone? the cemented half did come out?
Yep, it's all gone. You would never know unless you were a dentists...I don't have a gap there or anything, the orthodontists moved some teeth around when I had braces a few years later.
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