In Revelation 21:1 the Apostle John gets to see a glimpse of the New Heaven and the New Earth. Of all the things John could tell us about heaven, it is interesting that in verse 2 (one of his first observations about heaven) is that, "The sea was no more".
I believe to understand this, you have to know the context in which John is writing. He has been in exile on the tiny island of Patmos (only about 10 square miles in size)...surrounded by the sea. Imagine what it would have been like for someone like John, who had a passion and a heart for Christ, waking up day after day and being surrounded by and seeing nothing but the sea. I am sure he would prefer to be like Paul, Peter, etc going on journeys and preaching the Gospel. But God called him here and that sea probably became like prison walls to him.
With that in mind, it is so much more powerful to hear one of John's first observations about heaven..."THE SEA IS NO MORE!!!" YEAH!!! That means a lot for us...with our first taste of heaven (after being awed by the glory of God), we will realize the thing(s) that hold us bondage on Earth, will be no more. What is the first thing you will say about heaven? "My allergies are no more", "My taxes are no more", "My cancer is no more"?
What a great promise to know that the old things pass away and one day those of us who have accepted Christ as our Savior will all proclaim, "My (you fill in the blank) is no more!!!"
1 comment:
my physical pain is no maore! what joy! But the pain is what kept me close to Him, while here below.
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