One morning we woke up and out the window there was a crane taking Jesus away. Most of the people on campus were not awake yet, so when they got up, all they saw was the missing Jesus. There were a lot of theories being bounced around on what could have possibly happened to Jesus and the theological implications of where He could have gone.
I am known for playing some sneaky tricks around here and got blamed for quite a few things during this time (most of which I wasn't responsible --- for once). Someone placed a large sign in the center of where Jesus used to stand that read John 20:13 --- "They have taken my Lord away and I don't know where they have laid Him".
That got quite a few laughs, but however the best was a set of posters that began to show up all over campus. Someone (not me even though I got blamed) made posters that said "Missing --- Have you seen me?" with a large picture of the statue. At the bottom it said, "Call Joe" (another guy that plays a lot of tricks) along with his cell phone number. My sister bought be a talking Jesus a few years ago, so I decided to call Joe on his cell phone one night and have Jesus talking in the background. Problem was, the person who made the poster switched 2 numbers by accident and the call went to some State Farm Agent in Philadelphia. I wonder what that guy thought during the week Jesus was gone? I figure he must think a revival is breaking out since he got all these calls from people saying, "I've found Jesus"!
Anyways, Jesus safely returned on Wednesday from His repairs and cleaning, but not to be outdone, I had to show people once and for all what really happened to the statue of Jesus...
that was your best magic trick ever! wow! how'd you do it??? hehe :)
I'm glad Jesus is back! :)
I felt informed now... I wondered what was going on after that e-mail you sent out way back. At least a "cleaning" stirred up a lot of fun on campus with it! - love the video too -
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