This is Steve. We were roommates in Pittsburgh from 1999-2002. I am sure he will be popping up quite often on Family/Friend Friday as I have plenty of stories to tell...especially the one about the Philippian Tubes (which he hates when I tell)...but I'll save that one for another time.
Let me start off by saying Steve is very careful when it comes to money (I wouldn't say "cheap" as he does spend a lot, but he definitely knows where every single penny of his goes). So if his restaurant bill would be off by 18 cents, you knew he would make it known and make sure it was made right.
Secondly, Steve and I each had our own couch. They were in an "L" shape in our living room, and many evenings we would each be laying on our own couch watching TV, and deciding whether we would eat pizza or cereal that night for dinner.
So here we were one night laying on our couches. I am watching TV and Steve is opening his mail. He opens his cell phone bill and realizes it is off by over $100! Of course this sent him into hyperventilation and a near nervous breakdown. Of course I had to add a little fuel to the fire during the commercials and egg him on a little --- "You need to get in your car and drive to Verizon right now!", "They think you're a fool!", "Think of how many starving little children you could feed with that money!", etc.
Of course once he gathered up all his evidence he was going to make the phone call and make his case. I was still laying on the couch watching TV when all the sudden something strange happened...the channel kept mysteriously changing!?! Turns out in his delirious state, Steve was trying to call Verizon on my TV remote control.
By the way Steve...you still owe me 3 cents for the battery power you drained from my remote that night. Have a great weekend everyone! See you Monday.
good ol' steve!!!! the best stories are of when you roomed with him!!! :)
see ya tomorrow!
Hmmm - this must be the third version of this story I have heard. You used to say that my cell phone rang, woke me up and I tried to answer the remote.
As for the Verizon bill, it continued to grow to over $600 while I paid the normal charges and refused to pay the disputed charges. After many phone calls, they were all reversed and I later realized that I made money in the process.
This reminds me of another time when I was negotiating a disputed charge and by the end of the call, the Verizon rep asked me out.
But nothing tops the time when I came home from work to find out that Mike had agreed to switch our electric company to Green Mountain. When I read the paper work that Mike signed and obviously did not read, I found that we were now paying a much higher rate for electric.
When I asked Mike what he was thinking, the only reply I got back was, "I don't know, but she was hot!"
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