Magical Monday --- A Different Kind of Magic
I was working at a trade show in Indianapolis for 4 days doing magic at the main convention center (where the Indianapolis Colts play). On my first day there, I was walking the streets downtown looking for a place to go to dinner. On one of the streets, there were a handful of homeless people asking for money. This was nothing new, as you see the same thing in Pittsburgh, but for some reason God led me to one of the men sitting by the corner of a building holding a sign asking for help. I went over and sat next to him and introduced myself and he did the same (his name was Larry). I asked him if he would like to come to dinner with me....a very small sacrifice considering what the Apostle Paul went through to show the love of Christ in 2 Corinthians 11:
I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my own countrymen, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false brothers. I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked.
So as we walked down the street together, Larry asked if I would buy him a hotdog at one of the street vendors. I said if it was ok with him I would like to take him someplace where we could sit and talk, which he agreed. In the resturant, Larry shared that he had injured his back at work, his wife kicked him out of the house several months before, and he had been sitting at that same corner everyday trying to survive.
As our conversation turned to the Gospel, he said he had been losing faith in God because of all that had happened. He seemed to really grasp the understanding that God did not give us this life to be happy, but to be holy...and above everything that goes on in life, we have hope because of a Savior. We prayed together and headed back out to the streets. The highlight was another beggar approaching us and asking for help...and Larry handed him a small handful of spare change he had collected that day and said, "Remember, Jesus loves you!".
This journey during one of my magic trips taught me a lot about faith and obedience...and we can see amazing results when we just trust the promptings of the Spirit. Over the next 3 days, I walked by that corner to see Larry (just to say hello) and although he was there everyday for the past several months as he had told me, he was not there any of my remaining days in Indy. One verse in the book of Hebrews I wish Paul would tell us a little more about is Hebrews 13:2...
Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels.
Family/Friend Friday --- The Neighbors
Theological Thursday --- 5 Stones
What's Up Wednesday --- June 25th
Time Warp Tuesday --- The Bottle Rocket
Magical Monday --- Back to Baltimore
Family/Friend Friday --- The Seagull
Theological Thursday --- Cardboard Testimony
Back in the fall I taught 2 different classes on "Just Walk Across the Room" (see picture above) by Bill Hybels to encourage people toward Evangelism and the Great Commission. One of the things Bill talks about is having a "God Story" on top of a testimony. A God Story is what you were like before Christ and (from the verse above) how you are different because you are now a "New Creation" --- all in 60 seconds or less. It helps people be clear (avoiding theological terms), precise (eliminates rambling), and opens the door to present the Gospel.
Recently I came across this video that is a great example of what a "God Story" is all about and the impact it can make. I think if you watch it, you will see how powerful this can be...and this is all in 10 seconds or less! Check it out...
What's Up Wednesday --- June 18th
1) Tonight I continue the series, "Women in Genesis" with Lot's wife and Rebecca. Last week we again had 18 women and 2 guys, so I've given up on any kind of balance...but it is still going really well!
2) The head pastor and his wife for the church I have been candidating for will be coming to visit us next Tuesday and Wednesday. So when get this update next week, they will be in town with us!
3) Completely finished up with Greek III with an "A", so in theory I should now be an expert in Greek translation....but I can't even follow "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" but will keep working on it.
4) All my shows went well this past week (Friday I was working in Ashland Park with 9 mascots and Saturday was in my hometown for Community Days). Saturday was a smaller crowd as it poured down rain for quite a while before the show. The parade still went on in the downpour and my nephew Brady (see last week's post) had to carry a sign through the parade and got drenched.
5) Since we were in DuBois, we got to spend Father's Day with my dad and go out to eat (which he still paid for). He is a great guy and an awesome father --- and also left me with some great stories growing up. I'll tell you one this Friday.
Time Warp Tuesday --- The Hay Stack
Magical Monday --- 73 Cents
Family/Friend Friday --- The Birthday Boy
Brady has always been very smart, and learned to talk at a very young age. Right after his first birthday, he came to stay with me in Pittsburgh while Jim went to school and my sister to a conference. They left me a "Baby Einstein" video, and at just over a year old, he was telling me far in advance what object would pop on the screen next. He also has a fascination with body parts that seems to have no use, so he can tell you all about your philtrum!
Currently he is very interested in karate. We will be taking him out this weekend to pick out his birthday gift (this year it will probably be a Nintendo DS game). He has also played soccer and baseball which we got to see him play in the past. Below is a highlight from a smashing hit (well, maybe a blooper) from one of his games. The highlight of the game was about 1/2 way through one of the innings, the center fielder on his team called time-out because he just realized he had been standing out there for the past 10 minutes without his glove. Happy Birthday Brady!
Theological Thursday --- Stillness
What's Up Wednesday --- June 11th
Time Warp Tuesday --- False Alarm
Magical Monday --- A Show in the 'Hood'
Family/Friend Friday --- Church in the "Valley"
As I said on Wednesday, this week is my brother's anniversary (John and Leslie) and that I would tell you a story about him. In one of my first posts on this blog, I told you I used to stay with my great grandma a lot on Saturdays and ride into church on Sunday with her. One particular weekend I went to the Pittsburgh zoo with my friend Aaron (I was probably around 10 or 11) on a Saturday night, and we got home late.
My parents woke me up to go to early church with them, but I didn't want to go. My brother was old enough to drive and he and my sister were planning on going to the later service, so after many protests by him, he finally agreed to let me tag along.
So 10:45 rolls around and the three of us load into the car. It doesn't take long for me to realize that we are not heading toward the church we usually go to. I'll give my brother the benefit of the doubt and assume he was reading the Bible the night before in Isaiah 40:4-5 which says:
Every valley shall be raised up...And the glory of the LORD will be revealed.
So what "valley" did we go to that Sunday to see the "Glory of the Lord"? Our car pulled up to Valley Dairy --- one of the local ice cream parlors. For the next 1/2 hour I enjoyed a Clown Sundae and then a few arcade games at the mall. Just about the time church would be over, we headed back for home.
I had to promise I wouldn't tell my mom and dad where we had gone (apparently my brother wasn't reading Exodus 20 --- The 10 Commandments --- the night before). I must admit though, for a little kid, this was probably my favorite Sunday (Sundae?) morning! My only question is...how often did this happen when I wasn't around? Did my brother and sister go there every week? We may never know...unless one of them is brave enough to leave a comment and explain!
Theological Thursday --- The Lighthouse
- Lighthouse #1 --- Guidance from another Christian
- Lighthouse #2 --- Truth from God's Word (Bible)
- Lighthouse #3 --- Discernment from the Holy Spirit
When these three things are aligned in our lives, we can be certain our path is following God's path for our lives. Just as the aligned lighthouses can give confidence to the sailors that they are on proper course, we can have that same confidence and peace in walking with Him.
What's Up Wednesday --- June 4th
Time Warp Tuesday --- Learning to Drive
While most kids begin to learn to drive when they turn 16, I started to learn when I was around 12. As a reward for going out into the woods with my dad and helping him clear shooting paths, clear brush, etc...I would get to drive our old yellow truck around the country roads.
It wasn't long before the country roads became pretty familiar to me. I also knew that when I reached the state route, I would have to pull over and switch places with my dad so he could drive the last 10 miles or so back to our house.
So one day when I was 13, we went out in the woods and did our normal routine in the woods and concluded with me taking the keys and driving the country roads. We got to the main road (state route) and I pulled over as usual. I looked over to trade places with my dad (as we always did at this particular place), but he was sound asleep. So what should I do? Wake him up? Of course not...wouldn't want to make him mad!
So I pulled out on the main road and figured the fact that I am now driving 50 MPH rather than 20 MPH would wake him up. Nope! I made it the full 10 miles back into DuBois and on to the Sandy Bridge (which was right behind my house). I figured now was as good a time as ever to wake my dad up.
So I woke him up...not sure if I would get in trouble, if he would think it was funny, or something else. He opened his eyes and had a somewhat startled look on his face. He didn't say anything until we got about 2 blocks away from the house and then he said, "Pull over, we don't want your mom to see". So we switched places, drove up to the house, and there was my mom waiting for us...totally clueless as to what had happened. I let her in on this little secret a few years ago, so if she is reading this at least it won't be the first time she heard this story!