While most kids begin to learn to drive when they turn 16, I started to learn when I was around 12. As a reward for going out into the woods with my dad and helping him clear shooting paths, clear brush, etc...I would get to drive our old yellow truck around the country roads.
It wasn't long before the country roads became pretty familiar to me. I also knew that when I reached the state route, I would have to pull over and switch places with my dad so he could drive the last 10 miles or so back to our house.
So one day when I was 13, we went out in the woods and did our normal routine in the woods and concluded with me taking the keys and driving the country roads. We got to the main road (state route) and I pulled over as usual. I looked over to trade places with my dad (as we always did at this particular place), but he was sound asleep. So what should I do? Wake him up? Of course not...wouldn't want to make him mad!
So I pulled out on the main road and figured the fact that I am now driving 50 MPH rather than 20 MPH would wake him up. Nope! I made it the full 10 miles back into DuBois and on to the Sandy Bridge (which was right behind my house). I figured now was as good a time as ever to wake my dad up.
So I woke him up...not sure if I would get in trouble, if he would think it was funny, or something else. He opened his eyes and had a somewhat startled look on his face. He didn't say anything until we got about 2 blocks away from the house and then he said, "Pull over, we don't want your mom to see". So we switched places, drove up to the house, and there was my mom waiting for us...totally clueless as to what had happened. I let her in on this little secret a few years ago, so if she is reading this at least it won't be the first time she heard this story!
1 comment:
We're learning a lot about you, Mike! I thought perhaps the story was going to be that there was a policeman following you.
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