For Father's Day week, I said I would tell you a story about my dad. This happened around the summer of my 7th grade year. We took a trip to Delaware for vacation that summer and stayed in a trailer of one of my dad's friends. During one of our days on vacation, my parent's decided we would take this boat trip over to New Jersey and go to Atlantic City.
So we get on this boat and set sail. They had a little snack bar on the ship and my dad buys a sandwich. As we are sitting outside on the deck of the boat, a group of seagulls take a major interest in what my dad is eating. He decides it would be a fun idea to not eat all the bread off the sandwich and feed it to this group of seagulls.
As he walks to the edge of the deck and starts to feed these seagulls, all their friends begin to see what's happening and more and more seagulls keep pouring in to get in on the action. Well, one of these seagulls that is directly overhead can't contain its excitement (or maybe it was upset that it wasn't getting any) and decides it needs to relieve itself of #2 all over the top of my dad's head. Of course everyone standing around gets a huge kick out of it and they all burst out laughing. My mom and I sat there with straight faces...until he went in the ship to the bathroom...then we joined in the laughing!
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