This week is Jen's birthday (Saturday). If her prayers are answered, she will be turning 25 (if not she will turn 34). If you you want to give her a present...she wants more visitors to her blog (and leave her a comment or two!). http://www.jcatanzarito.blogspot.com/
--- We are going to our friend's wedding (Kris and Pete) in Pittsburgh this weekend.
--- My brother and his wife celebrate their anniversary this week (I will tell you a good story about him on Friday).
--- I am scheduled this month as the pastor to teach the "Wednesday Night Elective" at church this month. I am teaching the "Women of Genesis" and tonight will be Eve and Noah's wife.
--- I am sure I am missing things, but that's all I can think of!
sorry - my oldest sister can't be younger then me....... how bout 29? ron's oldest sister is turning 40 this october and said she's 29 and holding.... :)
It would have been nice of you to use her correct address...that doesn't take you anywhere!!!!!
Sorry...the link is fixed...it should work now.
And Joni, leave your sister alone...she can turn however old she wants...it's her birthday!
haha - but i'm the little annoying, pesty sister that can pick on her! hehe :)
You need to find some pictures without us wearing sunglasses. And in case anyone was believing that...I was not praying to be 25...but thanks for broadcasting to everyone how old I am, honey!
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