Our floor in our apartment building has 4 apartments. Ours...across from us is Chris and his wife Amanda (late 20's)...beside us is Janie and Rachel (late 20's)...across from them is Joe and Jen (mid 20's). We always have a fun time together. About 6 months ago we started doing a lot of pranks on each other --- gift wrapping someone's door, replacing the decorations outside each other's door, making "wanted" posters and hanging them up for things people have done, etc. My personal favorite is when I rigged about 100 pennies and 100 M&M's to spill when they opened their door (and with the hard hall floors you could hear them bouncing everywhere!). They struggle to match my creativity, but they recently put their minds together and created a contraption to dump a bunch of golf balls when I opened my door. Wasn't bad! I got them back last night by creating a device to pop a water balloon when they opened their door.
Any way, one very snowy winter day the town of Ashland was closed. After being in our apartments all day, we were bored. So I grabbed the camera and Joe and Chris grabbed their bathing suits (see who the smart one is???) and here is what took place...
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