Random Videos
Magician in Training
Bus Trip
Cooking Show
Some Observations


Playing Golf With Your Wife

“Brilliant idea darling!” and with that, Bill took a mighty whack at the ball, which struck the rear of the building – bouncing off and hitting his wife in the head, killing her stone dead.
A few years later, Bill was playing the same hole with his new wife… and by sheer coincidence landed at the exact same place in front of the shed. “No need to take a penalty shot,” said his new wife, “we can push the tractor out and open both sets of doors. You can hit straight through the shed!”
“No way,” he said. “Last time I tried that I ended up with a triple bogey!”
Consequences of Bad Choices

The Blog Thief

Fun in the Sun
Busy Week
Swine Flu Update

Father's Day

AMMEDED UPDATE (5:35 PM) --- Some of the flu cases on campus have been confirmed as the swine flu.
Not much is new on the "flu front". Of the 1800 students here, about 1700 of them have been sent off campus (the ones that weren't sick or have recovered). They still have not gotten word from the state whether or not it is swine flu (which they expect it will be), but in either case, the good news is all students have been responding well to treatment, and have been able to remain at the health center for recovery...none have been sent to the Milton Hershey Medical Center...so if it is swine flu it is a much weaker strain than the one going through Mexico several months ago.
Jen and I have been told to stay in our apartment until further notice. The current plan is to begin bringing kids back June 28th (depends on the remaining sick kids recovery time). So we are a little unsure what we will be doing for the next week and a half. But it has given us time to catch up on a lot of stuff! I have lots of pictures and videos of Milton Hershey School that I will start to share so you all can get a little glimpse of what this place is like.
Today I'll show you are living arrangements. We are currently living in an old farmhouse (built in 1783!) that is considered a "training apartment". Since we have been permanently assigned now, we will be moving into a regular house sometime next month. In the video, you will see the HUGE difference between where we live now, and the brand new $4 million dollar home we are about to move into. Here they are...
State of Emergency
So we have been working hard finding places for kids to go...it is really difficult for those who are under the care of the state (social case worker) they are from and have no family. Some of the student homes that were empty have turned into overflow for the health center. They have confirmed that there are cases of type A flu...they will find out today or tomorrow if it is swine flu (and based on the syptoms and what they are seeing they say it is "highly probable" that it is swine flu).
Jen and I are currently in a home where both the regular houseparents are sick with the flu and of the 2 girls still here, 1 of them has been sick. They are both supposed to board buses today at 11:00 as long as the one that has been sick doesn't have a temperature. Please pray God protects us from illness!
Our Assignment

Jen and I came here with a unique philosophy --- It's not the good kids who need us, it's the "bad" ones. So early on in training, we asked our trainers to put us in the most challenging house on campus. Next thing we knew we were in a girls home that was out of control...and in need of someone to get it under control. We both loved it there (kept us on our toes!), and we have been filling in that home for the most part of the past 2 weeks. Our assignment is to rotate through a quad (4 homes) --- in what they consider the most challenging quad on campus (so pray for us!). The girls really are great girls who sometimes happen to make bad decisions, and need someone to care for them and teach them.
Over the past 2 weeks we have seen drastic changes in the home...even our trainers and bosses have noted that it was the best they've ever seen this house and gave us great evaluations. We have gone a long way by connecting with the "leaders" in the home (through magic tricks, 1-on-1 conversations, and just listening to them), by centering devotions around struggles they are going through, and most importantly by praying for wisdom and relying on God (we'd never be able to do this without Him!!!).
So I have many funny stories (I could start a whole new blog!) about the girls and things that have happened. I will do my best to post more often, but our schedule and not having Internet in our home yet makes it hard. We will be moving into our new home sometime next month. Our home will be a new $4 million dollar home and is unbelievable! Jen's parents were in town today and we took them on a tour and took lots of video so I will be sure to get that up soon. Hope everyone is doing well!
Jen's Birthday

Our Daily Schedule
5:00 - WAKE UP! Jen heads to make breakfast and I get ready.
6:00 - Wake up for the kids
6:10 - Kids have to be dressed and at the breakfast table
6:10 - 6:20 - Breakfast
6:20 - 6:23 - Medication for those who need it
6:23 - Bag check for students leaving on activity bus (band, choir, etc)
6:25 - Activity bus students leave
6:25 - 7:00 - Chores...when you have 12 middle school kids all doing chores at the same time, "controlled chaos" might be a more appropriate name
7:05 - Bag check for students leaving on overflow bus (because our van only hold 9 kids)
7:10 - Overflow bus leaves
7:20 - Bag check for students leaving in the van
7:25 - Van leaves for school (I drive...Jen stays behind and checks chores and bedrooms)
7:45 - 3:15 - School for the kids
8:00 - 8:30 - Administrative Time (forms, budgets, food ordering, etc)
8:30 - 11:30 (Mon. Wed.) - Meetings and/or training
8:30 - 11:30 (Tues. Thurs. Fri.) - Free Time A.K.A Nap Time
11:30 - 2:00 - Free Time for us
2:00 - 3:00 - Administrative Time (check e-mails, budget sheets, etc)
3:00 - 3:15 - Drive to pick up students
3:15 - 3:30 - Drive students home
3:30 - 4:30 - Students on detention or restrictions do extra chores
3:30 - 4:30 - Students on "homework club" (failure to complete homework sent by e-mail from teacher) has an extra study hour
4:30 - 5:30 - Free Time (Jen cooks dinner with the "chef" for that week and I play outside with the kids)
5:30 - 6:15 - Dinner
6:15 - 6:30 - Prayer and Devotions
6:30 - 6:35 - Magic Trick
6:35 - 7:00 - Dinner Clean-up
7:00 - 8:10 - Study Time and shower time (in groups of 3...each has 15 minutes)
8:10 - 8:15 - Medication for those who need it
8:15 - Bedtime for those on the lowest behavior levels
8:30 - 8:40 - Snack
8:45 - Bed Time for those on the middle behavior levels
9:00 - Bed Time for those on the highest behavior levels
9:00 - 9:30 - Administrative Time (daily notes, behavior charts, etc)...also walking the halls to make sure the kids are asleep
10:00 - Bedtime for us
5:00 - WAKE UP!
***Also included in the entire schedule for all 24 hours with the middle school girls --- DRAMA CONTROL
Training is Over!

Cable TV --- Discovery Health

A New Post (Finally)

Moving Monday
Any ways, I am unsure about how soon we'll have the internet up and running, and I am sure it will be pretty crazy with all the unpacking, starting a new job, etc for at least a week, so I won't be posting for a week or so (but keep checking back!). To keep you busy while you continue to see this same message over the next several days, keep watching and listening to this awesome song our worship leader introduced me to! It is by a "bluegrass" band (which I don't like all that much), but you'll never know it by listening to this. It is a little know group called "Nickel Creek" (anyone ever hear of them?)...I listened to several of their songs, but this is the only one I like. Make sure you read the words!...
Final Answer Friday --- The Change
THIS WEEKS WINNER: Joni (2 points)
RUNNER-UP: Dana (1 point)
Joni - 6
Dana - 5
Jen - 4.75
Julie - 4
Steve - 2.75
Janet -2
Jeff - 2
Jerry - 1.5
Jason - 1
Jill - 1
Ron - 1
Renae - .5
Theological Thursday --- Baseball

What Is It Wednesday --- The Change
Talking Point Tuesday --- Disney World
Media Monday --- Messed Up Story of the Year
In Stuttgart, Germany, a court judge must decide on a case of honorable intentions in a situation where a man hired his neighbor to get his wife pregnant. It seems that Demetrius Soupolos, 29, and his former beauty queen wife, Traute, wanted a child badly, but Demetrius was told by a doctor that he was sterile. So, Soupolos, after calming his wife’s protests, hired his neighbor, Frank Maus, 34, to impregnate her.
Since Maus was already married and the father of two children, plus looked very much like Soupolos to boot, the plan seemed good. Soupolos paid Maus $2,500 for the job and for three evenings a week for the next six months, Maus tried desperately, a total of 72 different times, to impregnate Traute. When his own wife objected, he explained, "I don’t like this any more than you. I’m simply doing it for the money. Try and understand."
After Traute failed to get pregnant after six months, however, Soupolos was not understanding and insisted that Maus have a medical examination, which he did. The doctor’s announcement that Maus was also sterile shocked everyone except his wife, who was forced to confess that Maus was not the real father of their two children. Now Soupolos is suing Maus for breach of contract in an effort to get his money back, but Maus refuses to give it up because he said he did not guarantee conception, but only that he would give an honest effort.
Final Answer Friday --- The Boxes
So that makes Dana our winner this week with a guess of 87. As a prize you can come and pick out any 3 boxes out of the pile you want.* Please pick the big ones so we don't have to move them!!!
*Winner must claim prize in person by 8:03 am on 4/03/09 or winnings will be invalid.
Jen - 4.75
Julie - 4
Joni - 4
Dana - 4
Steve - 2.75
Janet -2
Jeff - 2
Jerry - 1.5
Jason - 1
Jill - 1
Ron - 1
Renae - .5
Theological Thursday --- Desires of the Heart

What Is It Wednesday --- The Boxes
Well, we offically began the process of moving. We decided that we would completely empty out our spare bedroom and move everything into the living room and as things get packed we will label them and move them back into the spare bedroom. I knew it would motivate Jen to move quickly if the living room looked like a complete mess (which you'll see on the video that it does!). Your question is simple --- how many boxes are currently in the living room (see video below).
P.S. I turned on comment moderation until Thursday afternoon so you won't be able to see other people's guesses until then. So don't be waiting to see what other people say (cause you won't see it)...just post your guess!
Talking Point Tuesday --- Florida Vacation (Part 1)
Here is a video from the 1st half of our vacation to Florida...Amelia Island. Next Tuesday I will post the video from the 2nd half of our trip...Disney World. Enjoy!
Media Monday --- M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E
Florida Vacation --- Day 15
See you back here on Monday for my regular Blog...if I am not too depressed.
Florida Vacation --- Day 14
Florida Vacation --- Day 13

Florida Vacation --- Day 12
Florida Vacation --- Day 11

Florida Vacation --- Day 10

Florida Vacation --- Day 9

Florida Vacation --- Day 8
Florida Vacation --- Day 7

Florida Vacation --- Day 6
Florida Vacation --- Day 5
Florida Vacation --- Day 4
Florida Vacation --- Day 3
Florida Vacation --- Day 2

Florida Vacation --- Day 1

Final Answer Friday --- Final Exam

Joni - 4
Steve - 2.75
Dana - 3
Janet -2
Jeff - 2
Jerry - 1.5
Jason - 1
Jill - 1
Ron - 1
Renae - .5
Theological Thursday --- The Ugliness of Sin

What Is It Wednesday --- Final Exam

Talking Point Tuesday --- Jerry's Birthday
The second time I met him, he took a good hour trying to convince me that the Earth "could be" flat and that it is not necessarily round. As a former math teacher, he spent a full day of class laying out the arguments for his students as well. I still to this day don't know if he really considers that the Earth could be flat, or if he just likes to present the arguments and possible evidence for fun. If anyone is interested in the arguments, there is a group called the "Flat Earth Society" (Click HERE) that is convinced the Earth is not round. But, I will have to go against my father-in-law on this one and go with my Heavenly Father who says:
It is God Who sits above the circle of the earth (Isaiah 40:22)
But in any case, Happy Birthday Jerry! Feel free to leave him birthday wishes in the comment section as well...and also with all his traveling now that he is retired, pray he doesn't fall of the edge of the Earth!
Media Monday --- The Direction of Government