
What's Up Wednesday --- October 29th

1) Jen and I will be traveling back to Pennsylvania this weekend for her brother Jason's wedding reception. He is the one that got married on the beach in Florida a few weeks ago (see last Friday's blog for a video of our trip)
2) Ashland has their "Trick-or-Treat" Thursday night this week for Halloween. Jen and I (along with some neighbors) are setting up on a plot of land along the street and having free hot dogs, children's games, puppet shows, balloon animals, etc. Last night we stuffed candy bags to hand out as well with a Comic Strip inside that presents the Gospel message.
3) Last week I won a "Bag of Crap" from a popular electronics website (www.woot.com). It should be shipped sometime this week, and can be anything from complete junk to a Big Screen TV. I'm already making space in the living room for the Big Screen TV (after all the Bible says we need to prepare our fields hahaha). I'll let you know next week what I received.
4) Jen is very busy over the next few weeks with her flu clinics. They will be giving flu shots to several thousand people. This is her month to shine!
5) I won my third game in a row this week in Fantasy Football to move into a tie for first place (out of 14 teams made up of family and friends). I only mention it this week because the team I beat was Jen's dad who sometimes reads this Blog, and I figured I would rub it in a little!
Hope you are all having a good week!


Anonymous said...

You only won because of the late QB score on Monday that put me under. Oh well, Tennessee won. I love that!


Magic Mike said...

Come on now math teach:

Late QB score gave me 6 points
Late QB score cost your DEF 3 pts.

6 + 3 = 9

I won by 11.

That late score meant nothing.