
Theological Thursday --- Homosexuality and the Church (Part 3)

As I have been doing my weekly posts on this topic, a story about all this came out in California. If you haven't heard about it, a student at Los Angeles City College was giving a speech (for speech class) about his opposition to gay marriage. He cited a few Biblical verses during his speech and was interrupted by the professor who called him some very inappropriate names, canceled the rest of the class and told all the students to go home, and when the student later asked what his grade was, the professor sarcastically said to him, "Why don't you go ask God what your grade is" and threatened to have him kicked out of school. The professors defense for doing these things to the student is that he believes speaking out against homosexuality in any way should be considered "hate speech" and should not be tolerated. I am pretty certain that the courts will side with the student in this case (as the school is already looking into disciplining the professor), but what a sad day when/if it ever comes to the point that God's Word is considered "hate speech".
In any case, this weeks post was to be a quick comment on "nature vs. nurture". Do people choose to be homosexual, or are they born that way? Do a quick internet search on the topic, and you'll find some valid arguments and studies on both sides. I think there is a good reason for that...the question, "Is it nature (born that way) or nurture (choice)" is answered this way --- YES. Both may be valid as there are people who make the choice to lead that type of lifestyle for various reasons (tired of the opposite sex, fear of the opposite sex, rebellion, etc)...and others who have no control over which sex they are attracted to.
But (although this might not be the popular opinion), I think more often it is nature. I think of myself and can honestly say that I don't think I "chose" to be attracted to women. There was never a time that I was attracted to males, nor do I think I ever could be or could have been no matter how hard I tried. I would say it is an innate part of my core being (having an attraction to the opposite sex) rather than a choice I made.
So how does this reconcile with Scripture? Well, the biggest mistake is to confuse nature with saying, "God made them that way". No...God creates perfectly...it is because we chose sin over God that we come into this world full of sin and imperfections. Consider:
Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me (Psalm 51:5).
So although we all don't have the same predisposition toward the same sin...make no doubt about it, we are all born in this sinful and fallen world with a sinful nature. You may have been born with a predisposition toward drunkenness, gambling addiction, anger, malice, gluttony, etc (and each of these may have a component of nurture and choice as well). So God creates perfect, but this sinful and fallen world causes us to be imperfect and in need of His Grace.
So what should be done (if anything) about all this? How should the church respond to homosexuals? How should a Christian respond to homosexuals?

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