
Family/Friend Friday --- The Big Prize

Ashland University (who is my employer even through I work for the seminary) always seems to be giving away prizes and drawings for employees...baseball tickets, football tickets, concerts, etc. So imagine how happy we were able to make Joni and Ron (Jen's sister and brother-in-law) when we called and told them we won and all expense paid trip to Hawaii for four as well as $1000.00 spending money for the trip.

About 10 minutes into the conversation, they were practically packed and ready to go when we reminded them that it was April 1st and only a joke. Have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

In my defense....it was about 10:30/11 at NIGHT when she called me...It was a LONG day and didn't expect Jen to do that (should've known though being married to you!)..and we weren't packed...I was just confused as to why you picked US! Ron didn't believe you when I told him!


Anonymous said...

yeah yeah yeah... your bags were packed! :)