
Final Answer Friday --- The Next Number

Well, nobody got the answer I was looking for, but there were a few correct possibilities and semi-correct possibilities that we can award points.

Jerry/Janet/Joni --- You found a correct possibility with the single/double/single/double/etc. along with the 3, 5, 4 pattern. So although it wasn't exactly what I was looking for, it works, so 1 point each!

Steve/Jen --- You are correct that 6 could be the next number as you saw the 3-4-5-? in the double digits, but it doesn't account for the single digits (what would come after 6-6?), so it doesn't make a complete pattern...but I'll still give you .75 points.

Any ways, the answer I was hoping someone would come up with deals with counting the number of letters in the numbers 1 to 10. Check it out...

The Pattern: 3, 3, 5, 4, 4, 3, 5, 5, 4, ?

ONE - 3 (number of letters)
TWO - 3
FOUR - 4
FIVE - 3
SIX - 3
NINE - 4

So the next number would be 3 (T-E-N) and 6 (E-L-E-V-E-N), etc.

Jen - 3.75
Joni - 3
Steve - 2.75
Dana - 2
Jeff - 2
Jerry - 1.5
Jason - 1
Janet -1
Julie - 1
Jill - 1
Ron - 1
Renae - .5


Anonymous said...

I challenge Jen/Steve's .75 points on this one. My red challenge flag is thrown onto the field.


Magic Mike said...

They can make a strong case that the next number is 6 (and the number after that a 6 as well)...however they cannot make a strong case on what the rest of the numbers will be between the double numbers.

Anonymous said...

"After further review, the play stands as called. Jerry Harpst will be charge with a time-out...his team's first time-out."

Anonymous said...

Never did like ED! He blew a few calls this past season and later admitted to it. Maybe the league official will come out later and take my side. he he he I still have one challenge left though!


FinancialTeacher said...

I think Mike's scoring is fair given the fact that he is the one who is making the rules.

As for the case for the single digits; that was not part of the question. You asked what one of the numbers should be and the logic for that number.

Either way it was good brain exercise.

I am disappointed with the Greenville math teacher throwing things onto the field.

Once when I was traveling through Greenville I stopped at the Greenville Diner and had sum pi. Sum one came up to me and told what a model citizen he is. This just doesn't add up. He must have multiple personalities, which really compounds the problem.

I can only imagine the lack of symmetry and the array of explicit differentiations in his own natural domain. And we all know that a house divided will not stand.

Then again, what would you expect from sum one with a 14 ft. ceiling in his basement. This is totally irrational and is sum thing that only Pythagoras or Fibonacci would understand.

Sorry about diverging on quite a tangent.

Anonymous said...

To The Financial Teacher:

I appreciate the comments and yes I do have two personalities. One for the everyday person and then one when it comes to sports and competition. Just ask some of my former players to see that on the court and playing field I turn into 'Bobby Knight'. It is all about competition. I have been known to throw water bottles, slam chairs, kick bleachers, 'pick up' players from the bench to sub them into the game and call time out to meet players at the middle of the court. Sorry you had to see that side of me.
I have mellowed with age and only play golf for enjoyment. No competition in retirement.
I do appreciate all the math lingo though. I hope all understand your great evaluation.
I still think it was a bad call and should be overruled by the 'rules committee".


Unknown said...

Yay! I got "second" - haha :)

And yes...dad has a competitive side........we were "reminiscing" last night about basketball. At least it was Coach D that broke the clipboard over her leg! :) hehe