Psalm 46:10 --- Be still and know that I am God
Some American missionaries traveled over to Kenya to help some monks move a monastery. On the first morning, everyone awoke early and traveled fast and far. On the second morning, they all woke very early and traveled very fast and went very far. On the third morning, they all woke very early and traveled very fast and went even farther. They were way ahead of schedule. The Americans seemed pleased. But on the fourth morning, the monks refused to move. They simply sat by a tree. Their behavior incensed the Americans. “This is a waste of valuable time. Can someone tell me what is going on here?” The translator answered, “They are waiting for their souls to catch up with their bodies.”
I really like that story because I find many times in my life I allow my body to outpace my soul. There are times I am called to something by God and begin the journey 2 steps behind Him...but before long, I find myself 2 steps ahead wanting Him to follow me. I wouldn't be surprised to find this true for many American Christians --- living in a culture that is all about doing.
Psalm 46:10 is a very important directive to wait on Him. We find the word "wait" 159 times in the Bible. If it is that important to God, it should be important to us as well!
That's a great reminder! How often to I forget to wait on the Lord and try to lead in my days... things go much better when He is leading me. And it brings more glory to him - how patient he is with me to learn this lesson!
thank you for the reminder. I needed it
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