*To better understand this post, it is best to read yesterday's post first.
Two doors down from my house growing up lived a little girl named Brandy. Her brother Aaron and I were the same age and best friends in elementary school, and Brandy was born when we were in 4th grade. Aaron and I grew apart in Junior High/High School as I got more into athletics and we had completely different friends. But when I was in high school and Brandy got to be around 6 or 7, I continued to take an interest in playing with her as all the other neighborhood kids were older and she had nobody to play with.
So I would let her come watch us play Nintendo, or let her play right field when we played wiffleball, or teach her how to throw and catch a Frisbee, etc. Before long, I was her best and only friend and she would constantly come to the house to get me. As soon as the doorbell rang my parents knew it would be Brandy (and that doorbell might ring 15 times in a day).
As someone involved in athletics and other things in high school, most of the time I wasn't home. So there were numerous occasions that Brandy would ring the bell and my parents had to tell her I wasn't home...and she ALWAYS had the same response, "OK, I'll wait". Didn't matter where I was or how long I would be (I could be in Hawaii and she'd say it)..."OK, I'll wait". For her to wait meant she would sit on our porch and do what she always did. She had a little baby doll and a hair brush. She would brush that baby's hair for hours on end. I would estimate that 80% of the time I would come home, Brandy would be waiting for me on my porch brushing that baby's hair. In reality, there wasn't much else in the neighborhood she could be doing.
So how does this tie into yesterday's story and what makes it real magic? After Kristen (yesterday) was sitting there in 3 pieces, Brandy came into the house, took a look, and out of fear ran home like you wouldn't believe! To get her to leave my house...that can only come by real magic.
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