
What's Up Wednesday --- July 16th

1) We had a great time with Jen's family last week in Gettysburg. See video above for some of the things we got to do.

2) One of my friends and neighbors here at the seminary passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly from a seizure in his sleep while we were gone. He was only 24 and was getting married next March. Please pray for his family and fiance.

3) My blog reached its 1,000th visitor! Sitemeter records all visitors, their locations, how long they stay, how they found my blog, etc. This Friday I will tell you some of the funny and unique ways people have stumbled across this blog. My reason for mentioning the 1,000th visitor --- it is someone I know and will post a story about them for Family/Friend Friday this week. Could it have been you?


Unknown said...

cool video! looks like you guys had fun after I left....wish i could've been there!

The short video clips are great - especially Jen's hurdling...that made me laugh..again. hehe :)

Anonymous said...

ok LOVE the instant replay of Dad! and just wondering if I detected a "speed up" on Jason's drive to imply disappointment??? Maybe I"m completely off there. :) Very cool video - that takes a lot of time! -- How sad to hear of your friend. We will keep them in our prayers!

Magic Mike said...

Yeah, the "club slam" was at 3X the speed to add to the drama. Once I get everything into YouTube, I'll send everyone in the family the link. It's a lot better full screen rather than on a little 2 inch box.