
Magical Monday --- The Hardest Trick

One of the great ironies of magic is the better you get, the less skill you need. The tricks you start out with as a beginning magician using cards, coins, etc require far more skill than the stage magician making his or her assistant float, cutting people in half, etc. Most of the skill for the large illusions are from the assistant, and the magician gets to stand on stage, look good, and take all the credit!
Many times people will ask me about the hardest trick I am able to perform. Without a doubt it is a trick called "prison bands" in which 2 rubber bands create the illusion of melting through each other. It took many months to perfect, and really is a great trick (David Copperfield performed it on one of his TV specials). Here is a video of me performing prison bands, the hardest trick I know...

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