
What's Up Wednesday --- August 6th

1) This past weekend, Jen finally got her birthday dinner...2 months late since we were away for a wedding on her real birthday. We went to Malabar Farm which in its hay day has hosted many famous people (senators, governors, celebrities, etc). Even though it's not really her birthday, I'll be sure to add a story about Jen this Friday!

2) This week Jen's dad and I are going to the Football Hall of Fame in Canton. They are staying the weekend with us and we are playing in the seminary golf tournament on Monday along with my friend Chris from Pittsburgh and my friend John, the business manager for our church.

3) On Sunday I will continue to teach on Colossians. It's funny to see how this particular church 2000 years ago faced the same things we face today (beliefs that Jesus isn't the only way, things are more important than God, people are more important than God, etc) and what Paul has to say to them (inspired by God of course!), and how it still applies to us.

4) On Sunday I will also do my first Baptisms since becoming licensed as a pastor. We are doing an outdoor "Jordan River Baptism" and there will be 4 of us Baptizing 30-some people. We are borrowing 10-foot pools and symbolically we got some water from the Jordan River that will be poured into each pool (it's just neat to think its the same water Jesus once stood in to be Baptized --- hopefully though it not a tube of some guy's sink water selling it on e-bay claiming it is from the Jordan!).

5) Tomorrow we get cable back. We always get it for the football season and cancel it afterwards (and get a good deal every year to do it all over again!). So we are getting 6 months for only $19.95 and are starting early this year to watch the Olympics.

I think that's it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow this is all such fun stuff! I loved reading about the Malabar Farm dinner on Jen's blog - that really looked neat. Have a great time with Dad! I"m wondering what the ladies will be up to? :)

And hopefully your back won't be too sore after all the baptisms! I also enjoy watching them in natural water - it's so exciting to stand around the banks and celebrate with those who commit their lives to Christ and proclaim it to the crowd!

oh, and I"m jealous you have cable for the olympics! Very nice.