
Family/Friend Friday --- The Closet

I was going through old posts to see who I haven't said much about on Fridays, and one that stuck out was my sister Dana (pictured above with her family). Her name gets mentioned a lot around here as she bought me a "Talking Jesus" and people love to come into my office and get the "Word for the Day" from Jesus. He is currently on one of my office tables with arms straight in the air (signaling a TD) in honor of football season. There is only one thing more popular in my office (given to me by another family member) that I will tell you about next week.

Growing up, my sister had the bedroom in the house with no closet. So she kept many of her clothes in the closet in my bedroom. With the "80's hair", she required a lot more time to get ready than I did. So every morning, she would walk in my room, wake me up by turning on my light, and stand in front of the closet. And when I say "stand", I mean she would just stand there and stand there and stand there and...it took her forever to decide what to wear. I thought that was pretty abnormal, but I married someone who is the same way (go figure). I would get mad and turn out the light...she would get mad and turn it back on. I would slam the closet door on her and she'd start yelling. This happened every morning! Why we just didn't switch rooms, I'll never know --- ok, maybe it is due to the fact that I stapled baseball cards (all 4 corners of each individual card) to every square inch of my door, or that I had written in marker the name and phone number of everyone I knew on my wall, or that my room was covered with nailed up "Nintendo tournaments" I had with my friends, etc, etc, etc --- in any case....nobody wanted my room!

So one morning I hear my sister's alarm go off and I felt pretty awake. I got out of bed and stuffed some pillows and blankets in my place to make it look like I was still in bed. Then I went into the closet and waited for my sister to come do her 20-minute, "What will I wear today" routine so I could jump out and scare her. Well at some point during my waiting, I fell back asleep in the closet. To make matters worse, for some reason, Dana never came over that morning (she must have picked out her clothes the night before...why didn't she do that every night???). So about 10 minutes before I had to be at school my mom is knocking on the door wondering where I am at.

Obviously I was a little late for school that day. When I arrived my teacher asked why I was late. I said, "Oh, I was trying to scare my sister". He said, "Ok, it's nice to hear a good excuse every so often...I like that one".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You did marry someone just like her! Jen ALWAYS took the longest and was ALWAYS in the bathroom getting ready LAST so the rest could get a shower...she took her shower first and got kicked out. :)

Ron, I think, would have loved to have your room!!! That's funny!!!

Glad your mom didn't think you ran away or anything... :)