
What's Up Wednesday --- November 12th

1) This week is Janet's birthday (Jen's Mom)...look for a post about her on Family/Friend Friday!
2) It's been a hard week at work...with a loss in endowment (because of the stock market), lower enrollment, lower retention, overspending, etc --- 52 people lost their jobs here yesterday and everyone else had to take a pay cut ranging from 3% to 6%.
3) We are getting very excited for next weekend's FOCUS retreat. I will be teaching 4 sessions that are about 2 hours each. I am finished with 2 of the 4 (the hard ones!), and the others should fall into place this weekend. This retreat is always a highlight of the year as it is time away with God as well as old friends.
4) This weekend will be busy. I am going to an eschatology (end times) seminar on Saturday as well as a party for our class at church. We call it "Thanksmas" as we combine Thanksgiving and Christmas. We'll have a Thanksgiving meal and then open some gag gifts together. On Sunday, I'll be going to the detention home as usual. Last week we had a great discussion!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like fun! Sorry we'll miss the retreat!

Is someone getting the electric duster?????? :)

Or the bath salts???


have fun!