
Time Warp Tuesday --- Who Would Jesus Vote For?

Well, today is finally election day (and my mailbox will be far less stuffed!), and I have been reflecting on the question, "If Jesus were here on Earth today, who would He vote for?" We can narrow the question down to just a few choices:

1) Jesus would not vote but want us to vote
2) Jesus would not vote and would not want us to vote
3) Jesus would vote for McCain
4) Jesus would vote for Obama
5) Jesus would write someone in

Well, I think we can immediately eliminate #1. The Gospels clearly show us that every time Jesus asks us to do something, He does it as well. Things like loving others, obeying the Father, paying taxes, being Baptized, etc, etc, etc...if Jesus said it, He did it. So if He would want us to vote, He would vote as well.

Taking a look at choice #2, it helps to look into the politics of Jesus' day. He lived in a society where the government was FAR worse than ours. Unfair taxes, death for disobedience, oppression, etc was the norm for His day. Even as the King of Kings (who could have changed things in an instant if He wanted to), His only stance on politics was, "Obey and pay your taxes". However, Jesus did not have the opportunity to vote since the government back then was a far cry from a democracy. Jesus always took advantage of opportunities in His society such as speaking in the synagogues, teaching in public squares, and being involved in daily life, and as part of that, I believe He would have seen voting as a privilege and a way that we can honor God.

So if Jesus would vote today, who would He vote for? Well, I think it is pretty clear that He wouldn't expect perfection. After all, in choosing His closest followers He picked (among others), a traitor (Judas), the uneducated (Peter and Andrew), the governmental terrorist (Simon the Zealot) and the cheat (Matthew the tax collector). In the Old Testament, God used murderers (Moses) and adulterers (David). So perfection isn't the standard here.

I also don't think Jesus would be a "single issue voter". You hear people today say Christians should vote for the person against gay marriage, or the one that will take care of the poor, or the one that will give to faith-based programs, etc, etc, etc. I think He (and we should as well) look at all the policies of each candidate and determine which one would bring the most glory to God. The only Scriptural warning I would give is when Jesus tells us to "feed the hungry, clothe the naked, take care of the poor, etc", He uses a 2nd person singular verb in the Greek. That means YOU (personally) are responsible for taking care of these things, and not leaving it up to or expecting the government to handle them for you.

No matter who wins, take heart that He is in TOTAL CONTROL. Jesus told Pilate, "You only have control over me because it was given to you from above" (Jn 19:11). Romans 13:1 also teaches that there are "no authorities except that which God had established". So even though I will not tell you which candidate I believe comes closest to aligning with God's Kingdom, I do encourage you to use your privilege of voting today. So let's take part in being used by God to put into place His choice...look at all the issues, spend some time in prayer, and vote for the best AmeriCain.


Anonymous said...

GREAT POST!!! Very insightful.

FinancialTeacher said...

When you say Americain, are you referring to Cain in the Bible? If so we know he was definitely not pro-life.

As for you opinion that Jesus would not be a “single issue” voter, I have to disagree. I know for myself I cannot look past the abortion issue. Obama is as far pro-death as anyone can get. Randy Acorn discussed a question that I have wrestled with. Check it out at http://lifeordeathelection.blogspot.com/.

The conclusion was that 'While a single issue can’t qualify a candidate, it can disqualify him.' If I voted for Obama I would not be able to sleep at night.

“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!" (Deuteronomy 30:18-20 NLT)

A malicious man disguises himself with his lips, but in his heart he harbors deceit. Though his speech is charming, do not believe him, for seven ABOMINATIONS fill his heart. His malice may be concealed by deception, but his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly. (Proverbs 26:24-26)

There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers. (Proverbs 6:16-19)

Magic Mike said...

Come on, as the "King of Puns" I figured you of all people would pick up on the AmeriCain! It has to do with a John, not a brother of Abel.

As for the "single issue voter", a single issue may DISQUALIFY a candidate from your vote, but to vote for someone based on one issue would be wrong. So of course it is ok to say, "I won't vote for any pro-choice candidate" but it would be wrong to say "I am voting for this person because they are pro-life" and not know anything else about them.

(And now reading the rest of your comment, I see Randy Acorn comes to the same conclusion).

FinancialTeacher said...

I got your pun, but the art of the pun is to come back with another one. Oh no, the secret is now out.

Also I totally agree with your statement, "No matter who wins, take heart that He is in TOTAL CONTROL."

That is something that you can stake your life on.

Make your motions and cast your votes, but God has the final say. (Proverbs 16:33 TM)

And by the way, where are those dimpled chads?

Magic Mike said...

We can definitely have confidence, but also keep in mind God has placed leaders (see king Ahab) into place to put judgment on nations...and the righteous ones and His followers are not always spared.

So if that is the case, and I make it and you don't, can I have your Bow-Flex?

Unknown said...

I got your pun - loved it!

I put in "my opinion" today...either way, people will not be happy, but i know I made the right decision. I just pray that the rest of America REALLY thought about each issue and the cause/effect of it all!

And, I refuse to watch TV tonight...I don't want to hear the analysts and such - just give me the end result!

Anonymous said...

Just got to your blog today. It was very well done. Should have looked yesterday and forwarded to some ex- coworkers.

Anonymous said...

Since I am a man of "puns". I got yours. I guess we will see now how things go with a complete domination of one party in government. I never like to see one or the other to completely control all 3 parts no matter which one is in control. I like a little check and balance system to be in place even though it slows government to a standstill sometimes. And then there is the appointment of Justices that will come up in the next 4 years. That will be another issue yet to come.
