
Magical Monday --- A New Trick

Well, I was hoping to post a video of "The Long Distance Trick" my uncle and I came up with last week, but we haven't had a chance to film it in action yet (hopefully sometime this week so I can post it next week!). So instead, I played around with a new trick. When I was younger, I used to challenge myself to learn 1 new trick per week (many of them I would invent using my imagination). When I got into high school, I read a book called, "The Professional Amature" which probably had the most influence on my magical career than any other book. It premise is that most magicians know and can do 1,000 different tricks at an average skill level. The mark of a professional is they focus on 20-30 tricks that they can do to perfection. That started me down a path of perfecting my favorite handful of tricks to the point I could do it better than the vast majority of other magicians (my magic club in Pittsburgh was my standard --- and when I won Magician of the Year there twice, I knew I was on the right path!) and it has served me very well! It did however de-motivate me from learning new things (unless they were really good!). So instead of learning something once a week, its been more like once a year. I missed those old days of learning new stuff (just for fun), so here is something new I played around with. It won't make my act, but it was fun!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How does he do that when it's cut... That's funny, I don't know how he did that but it's magic mike!

Anonymous said...

That was really fun.

Anonymous said...

You will have to do that at Christmas so Josiah and Katelyn can see it LIVE!!!!!!!!!!
